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NACRA 5.0 -advice on mast stepping


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I am new to Nacra with the recent purchase of a 5.0.I am finding the mast raising & lowering to be a daunting experience. The securing pin seems difficult to insert & removal is difficult as it seems to prevent the mast seating properly.

My friend has shown me how to step the mast without the pin but I just wonder whether it might slip off the ball at a critical stage at some time.

should I use a smaller diam. pin?

I was advised that rotating the mast 90 degree helps prevent slipping off the ball.

Is there any info available on mast stepping the the 5.0?

The sailing is just great compared to the old Hobie 14!



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John, as I understand it the mast has to be turned 90 degrees for raising and lowering or the pin will contact the bolt below the ball and can cause it (the bolt) to bend on lowering. Also, with the mast on its side, getting the pin in and out is quite easy on my 4.5. I did find some notes on rigging Nacras on the web and although some aspects did not apply to my boat they were quite helpful in general.


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Hi Mike,

thanks for your advice on mast stepping.

I think that the pin will fit OK if I seat the mast properly at the start.I unscrewed the ball from the pin to test the fit of the pin & all looks good.

I really found the mast challenging to lift-I suppose I need some more experience at it.

All up,it took about 45 min to rig.Is the mast on your 4.5 diamond rigged? & are you able to step the mast by yourself?

How long does it take you to rig the 4.5?

I am considering getting into a new 4.5 if there are clear advantages in solo rigging.



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I am a novice but I have got the mast up and down by myself. I prefer to have someone on the trap wires just in case but I am happy to give it a go. The 4.5 does not have diamond rigging. The worst part I find is the "soft" footing on the tramp as I walk the mast up but the quicker you get it up the better.

Did you find the notes on rigging Nacras??


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Hi John,

re- mast raising.

If you start off correctly, with two people you should be able to rig, step and raise the mast in about 10 minutes.

It is always best to have the boat off the trailer and on the ground,(sand,grass or whatever).

If you are on your own, there have been many discussions on this subject the "easiest,best,quickest,safest," method

of mast raising.

Briefly, on your own, have the boat on the ground, preferably bow lower than the stern, (if neccessary use your beach wheels at the transoms), lay the mast on the boat,attach the shrouds,step the mast,(if neccessary use the trailer mast step to keep the mast in a slightly raised position)turn the mast 90 deg, insert the pin into mast base, and then lift the mast until it is leaning forward,and supported by the shrouds, then you should be able to attach the forestay and thats it!!!

Set your rig tension, hoist your sails ,launch ,and


I know it sound easy, but it is all experience.

pete smile.gif

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Hey you guys,

I am so grateful to you all for the advice on raising the mast on my 5.0 & link to goosemarine which is just great.

I am sure you all went thru the same anxiety in your early "Nacra days".

Thanks to your help, I am now more positive about rigging & am looking forward to rather than dreading my second day out with the the 5.0.

We are having record breaking winds & rain on the Sunshine Coast at the moment and it will be at least a week before I challenge "the mast"!!

thank you


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