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need parts

mudda fink i ken

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Hey all

I am a junior of the nacra assoc. and

I have been given a nacra 5.8 from marty (thank you marty). There is still a few things that i NEED to get myself out on the water this season and i was wondering if there is anyone out there that would have a spare set of spreaders and batterns?? The mast also has been temporarily fixed to get me out on the water, but im not sure how long it will last. So if anyone knows of anyone who has a spare mast lying around and is no longer using it, it's would be great to get a better one than the one i have got now.

cheers and thanks if anyone could help me out here.

cheers Chris.

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spreader i think i have some chris, unless i gave them to henk, do you rember if i gave you some spreaders or dimond wire's henk or did they not fit or something. it was a while ago but i will have a look. i should be up the central coast in two weeks to pick up some parts from James for my 5.8 so i can drop the other gear off for you.

cheers martin

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hey marty thanks for getting bace to me...

i have been given a pair of senterboards off robbin (kate) and he had a spear square top main that he as also lent me ..

but the only thing i am waiting on is spearders.

i am talking the boat out for a spin on the weekend to see how it goes so hopeful it goes all to plan . the spearders that r on it are bent son that is why i need some other ones ..

cheers chris

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