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F16 update


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The 2nd Australian F16 meeting was held Friday the 16/10/08 via Skype

hook up starting at 9 pm.

9 people joined in representing Vic, SA, WA, NSW and Qld..

This is not a copy of the minutes, so I won’t bore you with all the


The main topics of conversation were !

1. National Titles

2. Taipan grandfathering.

3. New F16 Forum

4. Membership

1. After much discussion it was decided to hold the National Titles on

Easter weekend at Gippsland Lakes Y.C. located at Paynesville near


Easter being the weekend of the 12^th of April in 2009.

It was decided that there is already an Easter regatta held at the

venue, and it will not clash with other championships that F16

Catamarans might be holding. Together with its central location between

the participating states and the very wide variety of accommodation

options, it is a very good choice.

2. The grandfathering of the Taipan with its new sail plan also gained

much discussion.

The discussion was held in a positive nature, and various class rules

were presented and discussed.

The outcome was to grandfather the Australian Taipan with their new sail


3. The new F16 forum at http://www.formula16.net/forum was discussed. It

was explained that it is designed for members to discuss private class business.

The idea is to use the existing F16 forums for all general discussions

as per usual, and use the member’s only section for private class


4. Australia has 16 signed up F16 members with more expected as there are

a number of new boats that should be hitting the water soon.

I encourage any one that has an interest in F16 to sign up. It is simple

to do via the web site and cheap, only $25.



and follow the links.

I would like to thank every one involved in the organisation of the

Class in Australia. There has been a lot of hard work as well as personal

and financial sacrifices made to get to this point.

Take Care

Tony Jenkins

Publicity Officer

Australian F16 Association.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Australian F16 association now has 21 signed up members.

If you have an interest, it's only $25 and follow this link. http://www.formula16.org/component/option,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/lang,en/

If you are a member, don't forget, you can join the members only forum at http://www.formula16.net/forum

Take Care

Tony Jenkins

Publicity Officer

Australian F16 Association

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  • 4 months later...

When the F16 box rules were drafted. There were a handful of catamarans (Even though they were not fully optimised) they still fitted within those box rules.

The Taipan 4.9 was one of them. Those catamarans were awarded Grandfathering status. Or the original catamarans to fit within the F16 box rules.

I hope this explains it accurately.


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