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Hi Nick,

Some do and some don't. I personally sail super sloop but have never got out on trapeze in a race, even though when I re did the boat I made sure it accommodated for it if I ever wanted to sell it.

The current State and National Champion sailing super sloop does not trapeze and he is also a bit of a lightweight.

Even some of the women sailing do not bother with the trapeze and they are super lightweights, but still tend to do very well.

There is an arguement for and against. I have used it when having a blast of Balmoral Beach in a 20knot NE, and it is great fun, but I would argue if it is actually any faster in my case.

When hiking, I seem to have much better feel and control of the boat and I keep it in the groove much better and keep her going fast.

On the wire, I have can get great amounts of speed, but not as consistant, and you do have to walk the side a little to keep the boat in balance.

It is also a sensational ride reaching while on the wire, and a better ride when the nose decides to have a look down.

I hope this helps.

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One of the problems with trapping on a 14 is getting out too early and having to 'head down' a tad to keep the boat trimmed which means you're not pointing as high as you would be if you were just hiking out. Mari's go best with the windward hull just kissing the water (as do most cats) so if you can achieve that without the trapeze there's no need to get out there, unless you're a thrill seeker that is smile.gif


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thats all very intresting i had a maricat couple years ago when i was about 14/15 and i had a trapeze wire on it for awhile and i found reaching it when like all hell but hiking out was definatly the better option upwind. good to see so much interest in them. Great boats to sail but i doubt id go back from my A now

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