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Mari 4.3 bits & pieces,beams, gearbox etc For Sale

shy thunder

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Jib , small original coloured sail = Sold

Stays good condition suit fun boat = on hold

Gearbox old type hobie f'glass = Sold

front beams (2x)1 with step casting & dolphin striker = $60 for both.

rear beam with traveller&car (mk1) = $40 (reduced)

hull castings bow = Sold

hull side stay plates = $ 20 each set

rudder castings with tiller, (no blades) = $45 each

alloy cross bar with alloy adjusting extension = $20 reduced

old weathered rubbing strip = FREE

Mast with fittings needs new "RF129" rollers = $250

All items to be picked up from St Georges BAsin ( I have now moved with boat, south side of NOwra, South coast NSW) 0414 44 5157

[This message has been edited by shy thunder (edited 21 January 2005).]

[This message has been edited by shy thunder (edited 21 January 2005).]

[This message has been edited by shy thunder (edited 21 January 2005).]

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