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Mainsail Information

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Look on the Maricat website. It's a confusing place: http://www.maricat.com.au/association.html with too much flash stuff but in the rules section under sails there are two pdf's, one for the main, one for the jib.

Ian Markovich (http://www.redheadsails.com/) and David Turner (Eastwind sails, Tascott, Central Coast) are known to make them. Also Steve Brewin makes them, had four sets at the Maricat Nationals and one on the winning boat (Darren Bundock, but he'd win with a pair of ladies underpants up the mast!!).

Best of luck, you'll not get them made for the Toukley Brass Monkey but maybe for the Mannering Park 14ft open in October.

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I have found the measurements on the association website, But there is no mention of sail material apart from the word "dacron", I that when these rules where writen that dacron was only used but now they have different types of dacron and different weights and different stretch properties

We have been working on my old sails ready for these new ones

Thanks Richard

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Tony Zahra is the class measurer and just recently (after noting the 'loss' of the weight reference that used to be on the website) stated thus: "Therefore my ruling is “A SAILMAKER’S 4.5oz”"

As to type and style I think you can go for any type of material provided it's constructed from dacron (the thread produced by DuPont). The stuff with a sort of rip-stop pattern in it seems to be quite popular - I've seen it on a few sails at MP.

After that well, that's what we pay sailmakers huge amounts of our hard earned mullah - to know what works best!!

Personally I quite like that see through stuff that the 29ers use (you know the stuff with threads of carbon through it, bit like fishnet stockings - but that's another thought!!) but they're definitely not made of dacron!

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The dacron that is available now is nearly as good as mylar with yarn tempered cloth etc, these sails are far more durable, Than my existing dacron.

Tony Zahra is the class measurer and just recently (after noting the 'loss' of the weight reference that used to be on the website) stated thus: "Therefore my ruling is “A SAILMAKER’S 4.5oz”"

It would be nice to see the above statement in the rules as if it's not written down people can interperate the word dacron how they want

Just my thoughts


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Sorry if it did Mick I do suffer from foot and mouth from time to time!

Nice to have a flashy intro and all but stuff like rules and regulations, measurements and constitutions should really be tucked into a pdf (so it can't be changed easily) and made available in a downloads or documents section.

Just my tuppence worth.

As you were everyone, as you were!!

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Now that all the miss information and mud slinging has died down

Back to my original question

Originally posted by richard campbell:

I know the measurements for the mainsails have been changed, does anybody have the new measurements and rules to suit.

both myself and a mate are looking at building a new mains

Could they be emailed to


Thanks Richard

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So when i build a main sail to the plans given and make it out of some exotic dacron, And it's measured and the meaurerer say's it's illegal. I can say it can't be Because

'knobblyoldjimbo'said to follow the plans on the website??????

So when the measurer from the association prints the mainsail rules, Then there will be NO confusion.

Thanks Richard

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