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Fast 14s at Forster


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I don't know about the rest of the catamaran community but I am certainly looking forward to the clash between the F14s of Berny and Darryl, and also to find out just how fast they are compared to the rest of the fleet. Will there be any retro F14s at Forster? Although I doubt that a retro F14 could keep either of the F14s in sight. Berny's boat looks like it should fly and Darryl's video suggests that his boat can fly.

For those of us living out in the boondocks, how about someone taking plenty of photos and writing a good report so that we can all share in what should be a great regatta?

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Results for miscellaneous cats below

Great Lakes Sailing Club

Forster Wildcat Regatta 2006

FINAL Results

Rank Class Sail No Helm R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Nett

Misc Fleet - Sailed: 5 Discards: 1 Ratings: VY

1st Maricat 4.3 cat 5006 Z. Breaden 2.0 2.0 4.0 1.0 2.0 7.0

2nd Stingray 589 J. Dowling 3.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 11.0 9.0

3rd F 14 02 A. Barrett 1.0 3.0 1.0 5.0 6.0 10.0

4th Taipan 5.7 063 P. Homan 4.0 DNC 2.0 4.0 3.0 13.0

5th F 16 5000 G. Maskell 6.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 5.0 17.0

6th F 14 03 E. Barrett 8.0 4.0 6.0 7.0 1.0 18.0

7th Maricat 4.3 sloop 5005 A, Cook 7.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 4.0 25.0

8th Nacra 16 10 G. Whitlock 9.0 7.0 12.0 11.0 10.0 37.0

9th Taipan 4.9 Cat 175 P. Freeman 5.0 DNC 10.0 6.0 DNC 42.0

10th Maricat 4.3 cat 1893 L. Tucker DNC DNC 9.0 DNF 7.0 56.0

11th Nacra 5.0 2021 R. Campbell DNC DNC 15.0 13.0 9.0 58.0

12th F 16 005 M. Boyd 10.0 DNC 13.0 15.0 DNC 59.0

13th Nacra 5.8 829 T. Garratt DNC DNC 11.0 DNC 8.0 61.0

14th Nacra 5.8 1492 K. White DNC DNC 18.0 12.0 13.0 64.0

15th Taipan 4.9 Cat 227 P. Freeman DNC DNC 14.0 9.0 DNC 65.0

16th F 14 001 B. Leslie DNC DNC 16.0 16.0 12.0 65.0

17th Tornado spin 295 I Simpson DNC DNC 7.0 17.0 DNC 66.0

18th Tornado spin 201 S. Maiden DNC DNC 17.0 18.0 14.0 70.0

19th Taipan 4.9 Cat 139 G. Tuck DNC DNC DNC 8.0 DNC 71.0

20th F 16 001 P.Brander DNC DNC DNC 14.0 DNC 77.0

Sailwave Scoring Software 1.57


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The Alpha F14's (as well as Berny’s 430 F14) sailed on a yardstick of 77 and the Maricats were 94, so the F14’s gave away about an average of 18 minutes to the Mari's each race (each race lasted approx’ 100minutes).

It has so far, been hard to get anyone to forward me the elapsed times, but "Altered" (F16) who sailed in the same division has posted on another site that in the miscellanies division for the cats WITH SPINNAKER, the yardstick results were Alpha F14 first, Stingray second, and F16 (Altered) third.

I understand that their yardsticks were all the same as per the “Yachting Victoria” published yardsticks. As I couldn’t attend the regatta, I have to rely on someone else to forward the official results with elapsed times and I am also anxious to see them, as from all reports so far, the F14’s were consistent and did exceptionally well through the full range of conditions, from drifters to 25 knots.

The courses were not exactly “the most suitable” for spinnaker cats in this division as their course for every race were all set triangles without any runs.

I heard that Berny on his 430 F14 was fully competitive and “on the pace” upwind but suffered a little off the wind simply through having very limited previously sailing time on the water with spinnaker. With more practice with the kite it would appear that he will be a “force to be reckoned with”.

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thanks darryl,

this is the kind of info i was looking for, the spinnaker classes (all boats) are becoming the norm nowadays, not like when spinnakers where first introduced on cats, and some sailing commitees refused to recognise them, and would not consider them in results.


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The AO's are fast, very fast for a 14ft boat. I'm not sure just how competitive the 430 is because neither I, nor the boat was really spinnaker race ready. I had some rig problems during the regatta, new spanner not up to the task resulting in those DNC's on the first day, and the 3mm spi halyard slipping in the cleat and letting the tension out of the spi luff which, added to my poor spinnaker handling skills made my off wind performance pretty bad, so all-in-all I was a tad disappointed with my effort.

It was however, a good learning opportunity and both the boat and I are better for the experience.

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I'll try and set out some of my recollections of another great Forster regatta - once again it confirmed it's status as one of the icon events on the calendar.

The results I posted above for the miscellaneous division are the official results as emailed by the club and as used for the presentation. They did divide the division in to large and small cats for the presentation with the following results:

Large cats:


Taipan 5.7 spin


Small cats




The standard Yachting Victoria yardsticks were used so there was a reasonable comparison between spin and non-spin boats. It's also easy enough to pull out the spin boats from the results if you want to see how they went against each other. The there were 9 with spin - Taipan 5.7, 2 Tornados, 3 F16, 3 F14 and 11 non-spin.

I too was disappointed that the course was all triangles as I'm so used to windward/leewards these days. It made for simple boatspeed races as mostly the right side was favoured to windward and the triangle forced you to one path downwind. I don't think it disadvantaged the spin boats though as most carried kites on the first reach and all did on the second reach which was set as a much longer leg. Pretty one dimensional though. The club obviously needed to separate the fleet with A's and F18's having their State Titles and creating plenty of traffic on the up and down legs.

Winds were:

R1 - 20-22kts

R2 - 18-20kts

R3 - 6-8kts

R4 - 8-12kts

R5 - 3-6kts

I was quite impressed with how the one up kite boats hung in there on the first day in the strong breeze. It is obviously not their forte (too many strings and too few hands) but they managed to keep going. I was particularly impressed by the save from one of the AO F14's on the first tight reach. With kite up and screaming an extra gust hit and he let go everything and pointed up to sit on his ear for what seemed like an eternity. Eventually saved it and carried on.

It was great to see the retro 14's and the latest high tech 14's as many of us started out on these type of boats. It was also good to see Bundock and Ashby mixing it in a very competitive F18 fleet.

The only downside was having to wait an hour between back to backs because the high yardstick boats sailed the same number of laps as the low yardstick boats. Still, I'd rather be floating around on Wallis Lake than at home mowing the lawn!

Highlight of the weekend was watching the Brisbane Broncos on the big screen beat the Melbourne Storm and partaking in a few $4 black rats.

I don't have access to the elapsed times - maybe someone can post them - and also the photos and video that was taken.

Seeya next year.

John Dowling

Stingray 589

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