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First Outing


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Just to let you all know I took my Paper Tiger out for the first time yesterday from Balmoral.

It was blowing about 12 knots when I hit the water but after about 45 minutes the nor easter started to really fill in and it was getting up around maybe 18 knots.

I headed out towards the island and then came time to turn.

My first tack was a shocker and I got locked in irons. That is the first time that has happened to me since I was about 15. I was a little shocked actually.

I thn headed up towards Middle Head on a port tack and tacked back onto Starboard. All good. A little puffy but the ride was sensational. On the starboard tack I was now in more open water and starting to really get ripping along. Next to tack out into the sound. Blew that tack as well. Need more practice on this little boat.

I finally got going again and hiked out and got in the groove all the way to South Head. I then tacked and went to North Head before bearing away and reaching all the way down to Manly.

I then gybed and reach for about 10 minutes back to Middle Head, with another gybe to take me towards the Spit.

I then headed back to the beach.

Great fun and a lovely boat to sail. I would have to say probably the nicest 14 I have ever sailed.

I will need some practice and the tacking and also the setting of the boom vang and the lowers, but I had a ball in what was a fairly strong wind and plenty of waves.


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