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Paper Tiger Catamaran website


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The Paper Tiger Catamaran website has been completely re-vamped and is now based on a different platform (Joomla).

We encourage you to have a look at the site at www.papertigercatamaran.org and let us know what you think of it (good or bad). We welcome any suggestions you may have about the site. Please send any suggestions to the PTCIA Secretary at ptcia@papertigercatamaran.org

Please be aware though that the site is still a work in progress and a number of the menu items will lead to blank pages. We are well aware of this! However, it is being updated daily, so I encourage you to check back regularly.

I would like to thank Neil Waterman and Matthew Ryan for their assistance in getting the site up and running.


Dave Stumbles


Paper Tiger Catamaran International Association

+61 (0) 400 476 449

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