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For Sale - fastest 16 sq ever built


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Every once in a while Wazza gets something right.

When I say every once in a while I mean virtually never. Except once, when he built 273.

This boat could have won every race ever, but unfortunately runner up in the Wood Duck Cup (2009) has had his hand on the tiller for some time.

$9,000.00 buys:-

Two white hulls;

One front beam;

One back beam;

One trampoline barely sat upon;

Two rudders, cross bar, tiller extension, etc

One mast;

One sail;

Some battens;

Miles of rope (sheets);

One spinnaker kit;

One full boat cover (sailtech);

One trailer;

One sailbox;

A set of rollers (big ones);

Buy now and receive a slightly used Fastway Couriers cap and a firm handshake.

Seriously, young Thomas has shown interest this season. We are moving into a 4.5 (am I man enough?)

Any interest ring me on 0409 32 5138

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Greg, I interpret your post to mean "I'll take it!"

Lucky you did because I was fearing a massive bidding war.

I accept cash and credit cards.

Congratulations on your new purchase.

I spoke to Morrie and he will let you have the Wood Duck Cup for a fortnight.

Careful. You might get a taste for it.

Buying the boat entitles entry but does not guarantee the title.

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Boat is still up for grabs.

Ring me tonight and I will tell you how good it is.

I bought it off Leon. He is right, it is a fast boat (it was faster when he sailed it!).

As for the boys in Bundy, I distinctly recall finishing ahead of Greg more than once. Junior and Matt beat me consistently because I am a wood duck. The boat was up to it, though.


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