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parts for maricat 14 needed


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We are living 200km north of Broome in an Aboriginal Community and have inherited a Maricat 14. Geoff would love to teach the kids here how to sail but it is missing a lot of things. We need to try and get second hand - a mainsail and battons; main sheet and block; halyard; jib sheet and blocks; boom vang and blockes and cross member support wire. Any advice would be greatfully received!

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I should be able to supply all parts, (second hand, serviceable,nothing flash), for about $180, transport of the battens is the only problem, (over 1m can not be posted), postage for the rest should be around $20, Mainsail, Main halyard, mainsheet and blocks (4to1, not low profile 6to1), jib blocks and sheet (no jib), vang if required(not necessary on a Mari), New dolphin striker wire. Ph me on 02 43591729 and I will tell you what to look for to determine if project is viable. Regards Darcy.

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