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Screacher vs spinnaker for nacra 4.5 which one ?


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I've just got a 4.5 with a mid-snuffer, but I haven't had the spinnaker set up yet.

The screecher is an interesting concept, but I don't like putting extras on that the designer hasn't endorsed, just my opinion.....

Let us know if you get a screecher and how it goes, I like the ease of rigging a screecher, but it is a big windage sacrifice.


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Hey Chock I'd like to see your 4.5 with spinnaker set up at Tinaroo,I'm assuming thats where you sail? I hope so, as I was most impressed by the warm welcome my wife ,son and I received several weeks ago at the Tinaroo sailing club. I look forward to applying for family membership when I return from sea.

My main concern is degree of difficulty hoisting and dropping as I want it to be as simple and stress free as possible to avoid spooking my 6yo who I plan on doing most of my sailng with.

Whilst at anchor/inernet watch , I visited the beach catamaran website in the states and noticed a h14 sporting the ''hooter'' rig. Does anyone have anything similar, and if so how does it perform ? and would it be suitable for 4.5?

Good advice Chock, I'll talk to Brisbane Catamaran Centre,and see what they think.


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