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Maricat 4.3 mk11 or exceptional mk1 wanted


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Hi keen to get on the water with a maricat or windrush. Seems like really good ones are hard to come by. Missed out on fantastic boat last weekend. Computer probs missed out putting my bid in on ebay. That's what you get when you're only internet option is dial up!!! As far as the older boats are concerned is one of these classes better than the other and what should I look for? Thanks Chris

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If you can find a foam windy ($4k-6k) buy it, if not, any model mari in good cond w/race sails ($2k=3k) will still perform well against new $12k boats. When you find a boat you are interested in Ph me on 43591729 if it is a Mari, or Tornado Sport (Michael) if its a Windy, we can tell you all likely problems/faults. A $600 boat can soon blow out to $2500 before any improvement in performance.

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