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Fun Sail to Morton Island Sun 25th May

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Hi All,

At this stage a mate of mine and myself are planing to sail over to Morton Island on the F18 this Sunday the 25th of May.

It will be conditional on the weather and wind forecast for the weekend. Any more than about 15 knots of breeze and the open bay gets rough, and we want this to be a cruise over and back. So a 10/15 knot forecast for the day will be ideal.

We'll rig up at Scarborough harbour boat ramp and sail pretty much due east to Tangalooma and back.

Our plan is to leave Scarborough about 9:30am, so we'll be at the ramp around 8:30 to rig up.

Anyone that might be interested in doing the same trip with their own catamaran is welcome to join us. Give me a call on 0438 641 543 if interested in coming along.



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Hi Kurt,

No plans to update the Maricat at this stage. My Maricat is nicely sorted right now and it's an enjoyable easy boat to sail.

I might eventually treat myself to a new sail someday, or try and pick up a near new one thats only a season or two old, as thats about the only performance improvement left that I could do for my Mari.

I'm going to hopefully get down to Raby Bay on Saturday for a sail. We have midday high tides this weekend, so Raby bay should be rather nice. If you have time, how about bringing the 4.5 down?



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Hi there Barry,

I should read the board more often.

We had planned to go to Raby Bay on Saturday but unfortunately between kids soccer and a show at night we ran out of time.

Hope you had a nice sail the conditions seemed ideal.

If I knew you were there I would have dumped the wife and kids and came along


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