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4.0s Specs


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For the cost of admission (eg Darcy's mk2 for $800) a 4.3 is going to be a better option for most things. From what I've seen they're quite a bit slower and (although it's usually the juniors sailing them) seem to capsize a lot. If you're going to race them you'll be doing it under handicap but you'll be sailing on your own at the back and will only find out your results after the end of the race.

Spares may also be an issue, with the 4.3 there are heaps but with the 4 probably not.


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Thanks KO but I've already paid admission and have the 4.0s. I'm a novice and so expect to be a distant last against the Taipans, Hobie 18 and others at my club. I hope they don't get too far ahead so as to be able to watch and learn.

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OK, so do most of the things that you see mentioned about the 4.3 on the 4 ie mast rake - what is it, 100-200mm in front of the rear beam. If you have to get a D ring sewn into the leech of the mainsail so you can have the boom higher up to get clearance.

Presumably you have the deep rudders - get them so the leading edge is 25mm in front of the centreline of the pintles (ie look down through the pintles and get the bottom of the rudder facing forward. If its like the 4.3 then you'll need to drill new pivot holes. Also the trailing edge of the rudders should either be parallel (ie distance between the centreline of the leading edge and centreline of the trailing edge are equal or the trailing edge is slightly less).

Make sure the hull and rudders are nice and smooth - wet sand them till they are.

There's a comment somewhere here about the dolphin striker cable - definitely shouldn't be loose.

Sail fast go hard.

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