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Leeman Regatta WA


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Just wanted to Thank the Guys and Gals at Port Dennison Sailing club for the time and effort they all put in to make a great weekend for the people that sailed this reggata.

What a beautiful spot to sail!!!!!!!! Strong winds and flat water does it get any better!

Shame the storm last week dumped weed on the beach(shiot happens).

I have to say that the new square top sails look brilliant on the boats. (a bit of colour would only make them look better) When we looked at the video footage I really noticed how my green sail stood out making it easy for people on the beach to identify.

It was a good warm up for Canberra regatta next month. showed me I need to work on my starts more. Well done and thanks again.

Mark (the little old Maricat)

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Thanks Mark

We do try, We have a new committee now and are getting ready for our next regatta. We hold a regatta at Dongara WA each Labour day long weekend which in WA is the firts weekend in March, the 3rd I think. In the past we have had over 20 Windrush 14s and some Hobie 16s. This year we are going to host the WA Hobie 16 state titles as well. We will start the H16s first and then a mixed fleet of cats 5 min after so if you or anyone wants to come it will be held over the Sat, Sun, with Monday to drive home. Due to it being in Dongara/ Port Denison we will have food, drinks, a bar, & dinner each night. If all the W14 guys come and we hope to get 30 H16s it should be an awesome regatta. All OTB cats wellcome just tell us your cats YS and sail in the mixed fleet. Its a great spot to sail, we rig up on the grass at Port Denison marina. If you want to come let us know soon or book into a caravan park soon because a lot is going on in Dongara/ port Denison that weekend.



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