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yardstick talk.... again


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YV has the 430 at 87.5 and the windie at 87. They also mention somewhere that adding a spinnaker should reduce your handicap by 3%, which would make yours around 84.5. (They also deduct 1 for squaretop windies, but we'll ignore that for now). We'll see if I ever get to finish a race...

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Even if you follow KCC yardstick, they have H16 @ 82.5, N430 87.5, Windy 86.5. Add to that the penalty of spinnaker.makes windy 84 (3% rounded up), or 84.5 (2% rounded down). And you probably should give most hobies a run for their money, its just that we have a few really good ones at the club.

btw you sailing on the weekend?

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Even if you follow KCC yardstick, they have H16 @ 82.5, N430 87.5, Windy 86.5. Add to that the penalty of spinnaker.makes windy 84 (3% rounded up), or 84.5 (2% rounded down). And you probably should give most hobies a run for their money, its just that we have a few really good ones at the club.

btw you sailing on the weekend?

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Hey Gareth

The easiest solution is to line up against another Windrush with similar capabilities to you and see how much quicker you are.

I would suspect that if Thomo or Ryan came down they would likely beat you even with no Spin. No offence to your capabilities.

A good W14 is not much slower than H16 normally so I would expect that one with a Spin should be as quick.

The 430's Yardstick is odd. I would have thought it would be less but time will tell. The big difference between the W14 and the 430 is the weight. The 430 is heavier.

But if you have a look at the Nacra website it says the "Fastest 14ft production cat" Pretty sure the Windrush is a production cat. 

So my theory is that the yarstick for the W14 is spot on and the 3% adjustment for the Kite is fair. I think you need to compare apples with apples and the 430 is more like a Pear.

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