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crewing experience needed


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Am new to the hobie scene and am looking for anyone who may require a crew person to go for a sail in the sunshine coast area. I am interested in getting into the racing side of things - seriously. I am female, 37, 60kgs, strong fit and healthy. Am not a wuss either! Ideally i would love to be trained up by someone who is already racing and has their own boat. I dont know if i am chasing rainbows....or if i am going to find someone who can help me with this - i am just putting it out there! Still, if there is anyone out there who just wants to go for a sail....and i can learn a few things, let me know!

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Hey Mal

i went to the website you recommended and registered (keen to put my ad up there)- but you cant post until the administrator aproves your registration - and they are taking their sweet time. Its been several days now and i havent even recieved an auto-responder message. *shrug.......guess i will keep trying.

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Hi firecat. At 60k you should have no trouble getting a crew pos, but if you have completed a sail training course, you should just go sailing on any 14/4.3, You should start cat rigged then progress to jib and trapeze. Check out local clubs and talk to owners, but definately stick to a 14 and sail your first season with bouyancy attached to the top of the mast (2 x 1 litre bottles tied to the head of your main will suffice). You are notg chasing rainbows, we have club members who started sailing 14s in their 60-70s. Good luck

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Hey thanks darcy!

Good advice. I do understand that 14s are the ideal place to start - but i am a 'team' girl. I really dislike doing stuff on my own...with no one to share the thrills n spills with. Unfortunately i havent had much of a response for anyone willing to go sailing with a novice in my area (who has a boat). i plan to go up to the King of the Lake (Nacra) at Lake Cootharaba on the 18th to check it out, ask some questions - and hopefully line up a couple of sailing days. Also, a fantastic idea - the couple of 2litre bottles at the top of the mast. I was going to invest in a bob....but the bottles will suit me fine! I am doing as much research and talking to as many cat sailors as i can to gain info on this sport. Thanks again for your input.

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