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Hi all, I’m searching for a H17 in great condition to tear up Port Phillip Bay once more.

If anyone has one for sale or knows of one please let me know.

(Preferably with trailer and beach rollers)

I’m in the Sandringham area (Vic) but prepared to travel.

I'd also consider a Nacra 16sq...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for your suggestions.

I've owned an H17 previously and loved the indestructibility of it along with its minimal rig time.

I now have 2 young girls (7 & 9) so I thought this would be a good family boat with the bonus of the wings.

I'm just having trouble finding one!!

I don't really have any interest in racing, but then I do love going fast!

If I can't find an H17 i'll certainly look into the Cobra or the Windrush along with the N16. Cheers! Hamish

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