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Which Nacra?? Advice required

Kurt P

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Hi guys,

Have been out of sailing for a while and its time to get back in.

I'm after a boat that I can take the family out (kids 3&4) and also to have some fun on without them.

I sailed Windrushes and Hobies when i was a young lad.

The reasesrch I have done suggests the Nacra 5.0 could fit the bill.

Can anyone give me any advice on a good allrounder boat and how much i would have to pay for one. I'm located in Brisbane.

Thanks in advance


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You could also consider a nacra 4.5 although there aren't very many around Brisbane. You could expect to pay around $3,000.

The masts are heavy on the nacras, but I can raise/lower the mast by myself. The 4.5 is easy to right by yourself after a capsize.

There is no boom which makes it safer for the family.


[This message has been edited by CleverNickname (edited 19 July 2006).]

[This message has been edited by CleverNickname (edited 19 July 2006).]

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I have a Nacra 5.0. I take my teenage kids on it when I can talk them into it. It is a great family boat, fast yet relatively stable. The downside is that you do need at least two adults to put the mast up. Hobies, dare I say it and could be lynched for saying so, are a lighter boast and easier to rig. If you can talk your wife into coming or find somewhere were you can leave the mast up a perfect boat for what you want.

I hope this helps,


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Thanks Guys,

Not a fan of Hobies with their split tramp and banana hulls.

I had a look at the 4.5 and it looks pretty good especially with the front tramp. It fits the family and can be sailed alone, would be perfect.

Next question is where do you find used boats, there are a couple of Nacras in the Trading Post otherwise can't see too much around. Boatpoint seems to be for larger boats.


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There was a second hand one for sale at Bris Cat Centre not too long ago. Give Rossco or Warren a call there as they know where many second hand boats are.

Also, for your info, I am in Sydney and have one and I am extremely happy with it. This is coming off sailing a German Flyer A-Class.

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