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The new rules have been delayed, for how long no one knows. but they will come there is no doubt.

the bethwaite system does not technically qualify under the proposed rule change as it does not have a "quick release system" people have reported that in certain circumstances it is harder to get un hooked than a standard hook/ring fitting.

I just went in for a new magic marine harness from the bris cat center with the new quick release system. I know it will comply and is very comfortable.

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Thanks for that. Someone just told me it was meant to be on the 1st January 2006, but it had changed to most likely 2007.

The Bethwaite complies as there is no hook at all and all the rule asks for is for a quick release hook. If there is no hook then there is no need for a quick release.

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“40.2 A trapeze or hiking harness shall have a device capable of quickly releasing the competitor from the boat at all times while in use.”

I dont see the word "hook" in there, do you?

this is the reason for the delay, the wording is so vauge and difficult to enforce. back to the drawing board fellas smile.gif

[This message has been edited by HooD (edited 05 September 2005).]

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ahhhh! I saw the one earlier than that which said a "quick release hook". And come to think of it, that was for an up coming regatta and not the rule book.

I think it is a great idea as I have been stuck on a side stay upside down and fortunately my boat was old and I ripped the side out of it getting out.

[This message has been edited by Emmessee (edited 05 September 2005).]

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