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The most antisipated prize


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I have one of the Maricat trophies at home in the pool room.

Where do I send it???

It is the hardest one of all to win and I may add something to it myself to really make it the most wanted trophy of the year.

When I won, it was one of the proudest moments in my sailing career. It went straight to the pool room with the paperbark ashtray my daughter made me at sunday school and the cricket ball I won for bowling the most wides in an over.

You all know what I am talking about. The Firstin Thirstin Trophy hic hic hic.

She needs a little work to get back to her glory days (not that it is worse off in my care, it is just crap as it is).

I will fix it up a little more, but where should I send it and when do you need it???

hic hic hic burp.

[This message has been edited by Emmessee (edited 30 May 2006).]

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