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Nats 07/08


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Well, another foamy sold. I have orderd another for the nats. Hope it's here on time. New coloured sail on it's way. RED because it goe's faster.

Several orders comming in for new hulls.

The compertition is hotting up in all classes.

Who's comming to the nats?


5m, 4.8m 4.3m 4m

Great venue. Great clean water, Lots of wind and top competition.

Up and coming sailors from Port Kembla and Mannering Park ready to test the best.

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Maricat Nats are getting closer. As Mick says Port Stephens is a great place to sail. Nice light breeze in the morning and usually building to a BIG north easterly in the afternoon.

Fees for the regatta are to be paid to the NACRA Association as per the payment schedule on the NOR on the Maricat Website. All sailors must be registered members of a Maricat Association. Maricat fees can be paid to our Treasurer Nick Ward at registation. This will be done at the Port Stephens Yacht Club at Ridgeway Road next to the marina at Soldiers Port (Not to be confused with the Port Stephens Sailing and Aquatic Club at Salamander Bay).

We plan to rig, launch and store our Maricats on the beach adjacent to the Sailing and Aquatic Club or on the beach just up from the wharf at Salamander. This is yet to be confirmed (any news Mick ?). The NACRAs will be using the concrete ramp and parking area at Soldiers Point.

The Maricats will be starting off the same start lines as the NACRAs but will do different courses. Ours will be shorter and will have triangles. There will be two Maricat Divisions. Cat Rigged and the Sloops and Super-Sloops together.

The aim will be sail as many races as possible with up to 10 races scheduled. The Maricat class rules will apply if the wind is outside the class limits (see Inclement Weather in Association Rules).

Skippers and crew can be expected to be weighed. Boats must meet the association rules including boat weight and sails. Scales will be available to weigh boats. The modifications to crew weights for NSW events DO NOT apply for the Nationals. ie: Cat Rigged 63.5kg, Super Sloop 71.0kg, Sloop 108kg-combined. No allowance for Juniors or women.

Any thing else ? Mick, Brenton, Nick..

If anyone has any questions please post them here.

If any newcomer is not sure about competing at a National Title, don't be concerned. Sailors of all standards are welcome and with old and newer boats. This is basically a fun event and the more the merrier. You get to sail with the biggest bunch of Maricats all year in a safe supervised environment.

See you all there.

Rodney Anderson

"Pointed Reply"

Vice President

NSW & ACT Maricat Assoc.

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Is there a schedule yet for he Maricat races? The website just says "Exact details on Maricat racing dates and accommodation with be advised at a later date."

The Nacra NOR does not mention maricats so it would be good to have at least our schedule of races published. Can I also assume the cost will be the same as the Nacra 14SQ since Maris are not listed?

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The Maricat Committee decided that the racing schedule will be the same as the NACRA's as published on their NOR.

Races may be changed if conditions are outside that prescribed under the "Inclement Weather" rule for Maricats (ie Under 3 and over 22 knots) --- at the discretion of the committee.

Entry fees will be the same as the NACRAs...plus Maricat Association fees.

Entry fee as per NACRA NOR is Single Handed $180, two handed $280.

Racing starts on SUNDAY (not before 10am).

Registration and weigh-in on SATURDAY.

Last Race FRIDAY

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We will definatly be basing the Maricats at the Aquatic Club which is directlty down on the water from the Salamander Shores Hotel Motel. The council are formalizing the use of the amenadies/showers for us. We will have sign on sign of sheets on hand. The boat measurement and accosiation fees are to be paid there then register at the Yacht Squadren for the racing.

It is confirmed that the Sloops and S Sloops will start together and then the cats. We will be doing a Triangle, Windward return, Triangle and a work to the finish.

NOR will be on our web site this week if not today.

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If you have clicked on the short cut you will find it is $200.00 for one up and $280.00 for two up. This includes a T-shirt and more.

more races and more compertition. WA is entering and QLD will be there. The big question. Where is SA VIC and TAS The old blokes arte keen to win.

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So who is coming to the Nats that we know of in the Maricat classes?

From Mannering Park, myself and young Jason will be attending. Chris will be sailing on a Nacra 5.8 this time. Currently myself and Jason are rated the 2 quickest maricats from Mannering Park based on handicaps. I will be sailing supersloop and Jason on cat.

Any chance to know others attending and their relative club handicaps? Maybe it helps for those putting on a side bet smile.gif What are the current positions at Tanilba Bay and Port Kembla?

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WELL THIS IS BIG NEWS. Nothing like sibling rivalry. Steve and Peter Breaden. Mick and Mark Colecliffe. All cat rigged all out to be the best in Australia. All definates. Don't be shy. Come and learn how to sail against top sailors. Ask any questions and they will be answered. This year the cat rigged champion will be truly the camp. Let the game begin.

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