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Mast Refit


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Sikaflex every join and rivet.

Silastic doesn't last as long but you should check the mast seal every year in any case.

Masts don't have to be immersed to take in water. Left a 30 footer on a slope during heavy rain and had many litres come out when I tried to lift it.

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You should have three foam plugs, the third is at the hound fitting, so you have to check above and below the hound fitting for leaks in each section, stick the mast in the lake and watch for leaks (bubbles). I would remove all rivets/fittings, clean off corrosion, replace hound fitting using s/steel or Monel rivets,liberally coat joint and rivets with Duralac, same with head and base fittings using alloy rivets, any odd holes use aluminium rivets. Test in lake again when finished. Mast floats are good in shallow lakes when a capsize could bend/break a mast stuck in the bottom, but the extra weight at the masthead makes righting more difficult

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