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Windrush 14 Deep Rudders ??


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Gday, my name is Dave.

I`m hoping somebody might be able to help with some info about deep rudders dor a windrush 14.

I just bought a boat that has steel rudders which I have never seen or heard of before.

If anybody knows of a pair of secondhand deep rudders for sale, could you pleaselet me know about them.

An alternative is to make a set of blades up myself. Are they made with a timber core or are they solid laid up glass.

Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Are rudder blades easily interchangeable or are the housing castings all different from one type of rudder blade to the next.

I haven`t picked the boat up yet so I don`t have too much more info than that.



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Gday Dave,

Steel rudders??? definitely not factory blades..

The first gen. fibreglass blades had a core of foam (i think, it's been awhile since i saw one snapped) with some weight in the tip (lead i think) to help it go down.

The blades are easily interchanged if it has the factory castings/arms. It would be a matter of undoing the axle bolt and the screw that holds the rope to pull it up.

If it doesn't have the factory castings, it could be anything then.

With the factory system, it uses a large spring inside the aluminium arm/tube. If you go to the extent of needing to replace the rollers in the casting/arm WATCH OUT for this spring... There is a method to controlling the release of the spring so that it doesn't let go violently...

Here is a link to the diagram of the factory deep rudder system. http://au.geocities.com/windrushassociation/page_tipsandinfo/deeprudders.html


Michael, Rush 6327 Windrush S/S

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Deep rudder blades will not fit to off the beach (shallow) rudder stocks. The boat you have purchased is only 10 mins from our club at Mannering Park, if you pick it up on sat morn you could drop in for advice, or, any other day drop in home (Mannering Park), you can check out various types of rudder systems. Darcy, 02 43591729.

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