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The 4.5 Project


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Started the 4.5 project today. She is a little worse for wear but I am sure that in a few weeks she will be looking like a great little ship.

Today I spent a couple of hours getting some of the stripes off the sides. I only got half way. It is the old school Nacra 5 stripes. I did both bows back to the Nacra logo. I thought it would be quicker but they just would not come off easily. I used the brides hair dryer (keep that amongst ourselves hey?) and still had troubles. But I am now half way there.

The plan is to do a couple of evenings on the rest of them so I am in a position to wet and dry with 1200 next weekend if I have some time.

I have ordered new stays and a tramp as well as trap wires from BCC as well as the new logo which I will attach once I have buffed and polished the hulls.

It has been a while since I have done a job like this.

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No mate. I didn't get the chance as the tramp is trashed and I do not trust the rigging. And it cold in the water.

I will hopefully get a new sail for it as well. I like the new mylar ones the fellas at BCC are doing now.

I know I could over capitalise this boat, but after chatting to a few people, the 4.5 doesn't really gain too much weight over the years and they are almost bulletproof. So this little rocket will be good for me for a few years I would say.

I will post pics when I work out how to.


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Got the all the stripes off the back of the starboard hull and got 2 off the port side with three to go. Would have done the other three but had other duties to attend to. So tomorrow all the stickers should be off and I will be able to start the wet and dry process. Under the stripes it is very shiny so this gives me hope that I will be able to get it somewhat back to that eventually.

So my hobby at the moment is restoration and not sailing. I hope this can change within 4 weeks or so.

The main thing is to save up for new sails.

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I hit my 14SQ with acid, and not that LSD crap, and it looked like new, but on certain angles in certain light, if you held your tongue to the left, I could still see where the stickers were.

I can recommend the use of a polisher, got to be over 5' and not an orbital, orbitals don't seem to shift the crap out of the way.IMG_1339.jpg

Check out these hulls!!!

We did the same with alex's 5.8, love that Nacra Gelcoat!!!

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Started the polishing process now. I will need to do it a few times but it is already looking great. Where there was a mass of scratches down the port hull there is only smoothness now and even my neighbour was surprised that I got them out. He thought I was dreaming.

Tramp and sails ordered.

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Didnt get much done today, but it is looking good. Might take it for a sail this week if time permits with all the old gear and see if anything else needs to be done. It still needs more of a polish and so forth, but it is looking 100% from how it looked three weeks ago when I drove it home.

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No Worries mate,

What I did was start a photobucket account (free)


Load as many pics as you like to your account and then use the links provided on the tabs under the pics to "link" tem to this site.

This will allow you to put your pics up on any forum or facebook etc without having to repeat the upload.

Easy as mate, Let us know if you have any dramas.

Best of Luck,


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OK. I will hopefully get some work done on it next week so I shall then take some pics. She is in the garage now in a few pieces. I am heading up to the Hunter Valley for the next 4 days working at the winery and lodge, but I hope that in the next week I will have it ready to sail. Selling my house at the moment too so I am pretty busy get that sorted for the open for inspections next weekend.

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