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2013 Nationals at Meningie


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The South Australian Paper Tiger Catamaran Association website now has info on the Nationals:


To be held at the Meningie Sailing Club: http://www.users.on.net/~meningiesc/Meningie%20Sailing%20Club%20web%20page.htm

Sat 29th December: Briefing, Invitation Race, welcoming dinner

Thurs 3rd January 2012: last race & presentation night

Entries due by 7th December, or $20 late fee applies. The Entry Form can be found at:


The Notice of Race:


If anyone is interested in sharing a ride, or needs a lift there, I could pick up person + boat from Wollongong, Canberra, Wagga Wagga, Melbourne or Bendigo, depending whether I go over or around the Snowy Mountains. tonyquoll@yahoo.com

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Went and watched today off the jetty, took a few hundred photos heres a link to the site where I put photos up, will slowly add some more http://beachcatsaustralia.ning.com/photo/albums/paper-tiger-nationals-2012-2013-at-meningie-sa

few boats over, 1 T Boned with a big hole to fix, he just made it to shore while sinking. In the afternoon it was about 30 degrees, 15 to 18 knots with about 1 ft chop, perfect day to be on the water


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Went and helped on the mark/finish boat yesterday 31st Dec, warm 30 degrees, flat water, real light wind in the morning, start was delayed while wind gradually swung from East through North to finally settle at West so course was set for the morning race, was about 3 kts at start so short legs, wind got up to 8kts so was short race in the end. One race in the arvo 1.5km legs up to 12 kts from the tending South West to South wind. Made the finish entertaining lead boats on starboard got through the finish line easy others got a shift that made it tight. The boat pictured above was repaired and on the water with duct tape over the repair and he did pretty well. have posted a few more photos

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Went past Meningie today between jobs, caught the start of the race, it was at the jetty close to spectators, was beautiful day to be on the water 10 kts, 32 degrees, Westerly seabreeze, flat water. They were hiking, flying hulls pile of them got on port asap among them the leaders. Was a great sight as 40 cats with colourful sails peeled off onto port in a stagered fashion. Watched to the top mark then had to get back in the sheep yards BUGGER. Dropped off a disc of about 600 photos Maeve had taken to the sailors if you want some original photos contact the committee, if you post or publish them just acknowlege her please.

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Great series, with 40 boats, good conditions, good camping and everyone in happy spirits.

Mostly we had 10-15knot winds, a few gusts to 20, and the last race dropped to 5.

Most often we sailed into a SSW seabreeze, which came over the low coastal hills & dunes as a shifty, gusty and patchy breeze. There was a combination of topographic lifts, which were generally found in the same place, and the oscillations inherent in seabreeze. It was very tough to call which side of the course was favoured, or when to tack.

The guys from Vic or Tas who sail on large bays open to the ocean said it was "flat", while us lake sailors called the 1/2meter undulations on the water surface "choppy".

10 "A grade" sailors filled the top ten places. Congratulations to 1st Bruce Rose, 2nd Alex Craig, 3rd Bryan Anderson, 4th Peter Anderson, 5th Garry Williams, 6th Luke Stout, 7th Jason Dunsmore, 8th Ian Marcovitch, 9th Wayne Eager, 10th Mark Wiggins.

In 11th place came winner of Rookie of the Year, 1st C-Grade and 1st Junior, Joshua Thorpe. Incredibly, he's only been sailing for 2 years and was right up the front at his first Nationals. At 16 he's already tall and strong, so a few predicted a future in A-class, drawing parrellels to Glenn Ashby.

B-grade winner was Rohan Nicols, just 1 point ahead of me. We both sailed 20year old boats built in Wagga off the same jig, both flew MarkIV Redhead radial sails, and were very evenly matched. It came down to the last tack, on the last leg of the last race, to determine the winner. I tacked onto a lift to lay the finish line, while Rohan persisted along the shore. A few hundred meters later, I got a knock and drop in breeze, but kept on as I thought minimising tacks would be better. Rohan stayed in breeze, crossed well ahead, and 3 boats finished between us to give him the point spread he needed. I cursed my poor tactics "stupid B-grade Wombat!"

All good fun, and a great learning experience.

Special thanks to Ian Marchovitch for helping tune my rig. Even with my older gear, I had excellent speed and it was very much the tactics, sail trim, buoy roundings, starts and all of the other skipper decisions that determined my results. Further back in the fleet the Veterans tended to not hike quite as hard, not tack quite as fast and lost a little time and speed. At the rear of the fleet some heavy boats and skippers were disadvantaged in the light conditions, and said the light winds + chop made it especially slow for them.

Full results at:


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