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Port Kembla clasic


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Will be good 4 race weekend.Cats of all sizes this year with plenty of 14s and a decent  Monofleet.

Accom is available for all budgets with plenty of accomm close by OR camping on club grounds for $20 with full clubhouse  facilities available.


If you have never sailed Lake Illawarra it is a good 4 race weekend regatta (5 races for Nacra 5.8s)and the mixed fleet makes it a great weekend to meet  crews from other classes.This year the KK is also hosting the Sharpie States and the Big 5.8 Nacras titles.

What sort of boats:Maricats,Windys,Nacra 14s,Hobies of all sizes,Nacra 5.0s,Nacra 5.8s titles,Taipans,F18s and then over a dozen different  classes of Monohulls and Trailer Yachts.

It will be a good regatta and plenty of prizes on offer for the 14ft Cats class (Div 3)

Here is the KK NOR




and here is the ENTRY FORM


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The KK will be a success with or without the support of the affiliated Maricat sailors.

Come along,promote YOUR Class and enjoy the huge fleet of multiple classes or sit around posting your gripes on the internet,,either way its your call..

I think its indicative  of the small class that its members would only consider sailing at Maricat ONLY events.I think Scuttlebutts comments were offensive to the Mari Class and not only PKSC..The other 14 ft Classes will be there representing and promoting their respective classes however I will pass on your off the cuff comments about boycotting the KK as  "PKSC does not support the Maricat Association Events"

To the others who are thinking of attending..Come along and enjoy yourselves and the hospitality .

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Maricat owners ( Association members or not ) will sail wherever there is good racing to be had, as do the bulk of cat sailors. 

Any comments on these forums are personal observations, and should not be taken to represent any class, club or association,

ALL, contributors should put their brain in gear before engaging their typing finger.

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