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foot straps


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My nacra 5.8 has a foot strap just behind the back cross beam and i was thinking about a second foot strap for the forward crew member.

Trying to work out whether the strap should go on the front or the back leg of the front crew member. I was thinking a strap on the back foot might release easier if we hit something and were thrown forward.

Also .... will i need to install an inspection hatch to install the foot strap ... will that weaken the hull to much..

Lot of questions ... but thanks

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Put both footstraps behind the back beam. If you already have one just behind the beam put the other one right at the back. Allows crew and skipper to "hookin" by crossing legs, ie skipper in rear footstrap and front leg on side of hull, crew in forward footstrap over the skippers front leg.

Do not install a hatch in any area that you will be sitting in. They will break regually as they are not designed to be sat on, etc.

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cool thanks - good point about the hatchs - will keep that in mind

The boat already has 2 foot straps behind the back beam but I'm not sure I want to get that close and personal to the skipper :) Maybe if we were in a race or something lol.


Thanks again

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