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Trapeze setup


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I am trying to set a trapeze for the first time and am finding it difficult to fit all the parts

together in particular the "hound" on the mast seems like there is too many wires for

the fitting and it becomes very crowed up there then the situation of the shock cord

and how much I am given to work with , would love some one to post a pic of there

trapeze set up so I can get a understanding of how to make it work

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Hi  zed280

I don't know how others do their trap wires attach through the shackle pin with the thimbles either side of the hounds This leaves the shackle free for the sidestays and for stay to do their thing.

When i had my original tramp on the boat without holes for the shock cord, I ran the shock cord between the two saddles that held the jib blocks on, It worked well.the shock cord was free on the windward side, when the jib cleats where free.

It was a bit of trial and error with the height of the trap rings, I'm using dog bones. When the wind is blowing i'll use the bottom ring, in marginal i'll use the top to stop getting tea bagged.

Hope this helps


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I use a large bow shackle for the attachment at the hounds, that allows me 5 thimbles on the shackle, (if you wish you can put your trap wires on a different attachment point, but I seem to recall that they cannot be any lower than 100mm below the existing hound fitting  having said that there is nothing to stop them from being above).  Dont have any photos that show the rest of the setup clearly, though I can take some when I get home in a week if none other appear here.  I dont use a dog bone as it kept on hitting me in the teeth.



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