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14' Cat Regatta, Mannering Park. Oct 10-11


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Realistically i don't reckon its a problem we are faster than a Mari and can make our way around any cat rigs that are pointing to avoid having to hike...

Seriously why do u all sail cat rig? I mean why would you hike when you can add a jib & trapeze to make u not only go faster but get the comfort of an arm chair (harness)...

I'd like to know the reasoning, as i've always been baffled by it...

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Quite agree, however one of the few times I did crew on a very nice new Tornado I spent most of the time scared sans 5h1t! Getting out on the wire when the hull was 12ft up didn't excite me one bit. Beating the Isle of White Ferry was fun though.

Thankfully hiking a Mari isn't as uncomfortable as a Laser and like you say, you just point up a bit and all is comfortable again!

Could say of course why do you sail a Windy when there are A's and F14's around. I suspect the answer lies in the quantity of free funds, another reason for a cat rig!

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TS the reasons we sail the Maris cat rig are, 1, (keep it simple) KIS principle, less things to break, finish more races, 2, cheaper, (adding jib and trap costs around $1k more), 3, pre foam maris when sailed super sloop had a bad habit of cracking the inside of the hull/deck in front of the front beam, 4, the extra exercise in hiking is the most exercise some of us old bastards get.

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Having just started this super sloop thing, I still have yet to get out on the trap. I am fairly weighty and I think I will keep trying without a trap for a while. I only have to be faster than the fastest maricat at this stage but I will be gunning for the windies eventually.

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There isn't anything scary about trapping on a T. Just plain exhilaration!!!

Why do i sail a Windy? Well dad trailers the boat and stores it for me (better than trying to keep it in Sydney...), I'm fast on one, they're a simple fun boat, good competition and it suppliments my yacht sailing nicely (...we broke the rudder off the Sydney 38 on saturday, while doing 16knts at 120degrees with the chicken chute up... 3m seas with 30knt southerly = FUN!)

There are alot more windies around than F14's (still yet to see one at an east coast 14ft regatta...) & at the $17k+ price tag i'd rather sail a Taipan... and why not an A, $$$ and i'd rather sail a Tornado (which consequently i did once own one of...)

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Yeh, Sounds great, but I still love the maricat and allways will. I have made a desition that untill I convincingly get flogged without a trap then I will hike. The jib rope is shorter wich means less tangel. No trap harness which means no ball busting and most of all no falling off and wasting time swimming. I look forward to a very close win this weekend. See you on the water losers.

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Mick... ur logic confuses me...

Ball busting trap? Are u wearing a Burke G-String harness... Go talk to Bris Cat Centre and get a Magic Marine Ultimate...

The jib rope is easily sorted with the system we use on the windrush...

Falling off??? do u have a middle ear problem that causes u to lose balance? Mannering Park is flat water, stop being scared and get on wire... o wait i use Dyneema (same difference...)

U should have raced Mari S/S when Michael Cook and Michael Larken were racing them (with trapeze)... u'd have been flogged by the length of Mannering Park to Timbucktoo and back...

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You seem to forget Michael, I am old, fat and have very bad knees. It would take me ages just the get out and getting in can only be worse. Lets see what happens this weekend. I have just had my jib tweeked by Marco so my up wind should be faster than last week. I do have a Magic Marine trap harness. Mybe I have it setup wrong.

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Come on Mick, dad's old (relatively now that he is over 50), weights in the low-mid 90's and has a back as bad if not worse than mine (i have 1 protruding disc and 1 buldging disc in my lower back... stupid hobie 16 mast) and he still gives me a run for my money...

But in all seriousness if u want, i can have alook at ur harness, coz having them setup wrong they can be uncomfortable but i've never sailed in anything as comfortable as the Ultimate harness. I tested harnesses for Gill when i had the T and the ultimate was just light years ahead in comfort.

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Top regatta fellas, I had a great time even if I didn't win. There is a lot of fast young sailors coming up through the ranks. Sailing sloop is a lot of fun and certainly keeps you more busy. I still have a lot to learn and tweeking to do. The trap thing will happen in it's own good time. Well done to Ian on the paper tiger and salty lips Brenton the big day winners. Don't forget the new State Windrush champ Mike Phefer.

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