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Repairing Hobie Hulls


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Sailing in 15 - 20 knots, our hobie 16 deck parted company with the hull between the two pylons, centered on the side stay. The deck tore across the hull in two places, and parted along the hull flange. Does any one know if this is repairable. I'm trying to find another hull, but no luck so far.



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This is a common occurance in old H16's. We split the deck on the join about 1/2m either side of the sidestay mountings off Currumbin Creek on the Gold Coast while training during the 04 QLD States. Kerly from Sailing Scene in Sydney ... the guy who owned the boat said it was a write off and not worth repairing.

Give a guy by the name of John Kersh a ring on (02) 43591460 he is a very very good boat builder on the Central Coast and has boat laying around his yard and is a former Hobie sailor. From memory he has an old H16 in parts in his yard.

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