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SYC Summer Racing Calendar


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Southport Yacht Club has finalised its calendar for the upcoming summer series.

There is a sprint series and championship series, but there are some cool passage sails.

The Notice of Race which incorporates the calendar is available on http://www.southportyachtclub.com.au/welcome/page31.php

We have a good regular fleet, one 4.5, 6 x 5.0s, one Hobie 16, two 5.8s, and two F18s (Tiger and Capricorn).

More importantly we have a very well stocked bar that looks over the broadwater which will serve you until you pass out. There is also a canteen if food is your thing.

Lets start a "we will come to yours if you come to ours" mutual obligation party. Post a reply if you are in.

Love always


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Dear Strange Bucko,

The "we will come to yours if you come ours"

only works if the other party actually returns the favour. A number of us have attend regattas at SYC over the last couple of years but have failed to see you in all your glory attend any of our little regatas at HYC!

So maybe you can be the one to start the ball rolling by attending one of our clubs regattas and bring some friends with you.

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Hmmm, Scotty may have you there Bucko?

I do distinctly remember a solid turn-out at the Southport to Manly Race earlier this year and can't recall seeing any "Southportonians" at R.Q. or H.Y.C. this year...

Look forward to seeing you and your comrades at the HYC regatta in October perhaps?

Love as always,

"Big Juan" wink.gif

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Dear Scott and Leeroy

Point noted but not conceded.

1. The Great Race is a little unusual in that it starts at our house and ends at yours, so everyone is put to inconvenience. Further, it is co-hosted by RQ;

2. We have a posse that travelled away to Bundaberg and Peel Island this year, so we have not been complete slackers;

3. I don't recall the regattas at SYC that you speak of (other than the great race). The last regatta where lots of friends came to play were the South East Queensland Titles in 2005.

3. I have sailed at Humpybong on my 16 square last year at a 3 day regatta and have the photographs to prove it. Rosco, me and Ross Margetts were the only Nacras. It seems I went unnoticed;

4. If it is up to me to put this ball in motion I am up to the challenge. In that post me the link to your calendar and I will organise something.

I doubt we will be able to attend the regatta you advertise in Multihull World because our Bridge to No Bridge 2 day passage sail is on the weekend before and our wives will leave us if we are missing for two weekends solid (cat challenge will be out!



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Dear Interceptor,

I have looked through all HYC photos and can not see you in the 3 day regatta. So i gess you better prove it. Bye the way it turned into a two day regatta because of strong winds on the last day . And HYC has only had 1 three day regatta in the past 2 years. And that was last season just gone.

Your members have attended out events but I have to say I have not seen you there in the last sailing season.But have seen the person who now ownes your 16sq. And several other members from your club. And I thank them for coming and supporting our events.

Just 1 point HYC members tend to travel to more clubs and to more places than any other club. HYC has been known to close its doors to attend other clubs events.Do other club do this.


reguards Leon

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Whoa, whoa, boys, boys,

Let's not all piss into the wind or fart in our wetsuits and ruin the fun before it starts... All good valid points!

Simple solution, Bucko, talk with SYC and maybe arrange a local regatta (apart from the SYC to Manly event), and Leroy (what, who me, i'm not schitzo and neither am I) talk with RQ to do the same, that way we are all playing with the same wee wee.

Good idea, (scratch forehead, what have you done?), Talk soon, "who said that? one at a time pleeeaaaasssseeeeeeee"


one of the many faces of Leroy in the attic wink.gif

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Leon (and Scott)

You are right. I did not go to a regatta at HYC last year. It was the year I first got the new 16 square, which is later in the same year when the Nationals were held by Kurnell. I can't remember what year that was but I think it was 2005.

Thank you for posting your link. For your info the dates in our calendar have been "spaced out" so that we can sail away. The dates are so far apart in fact that Kerry Noyse and Steve Curtis bought a Blazer because they were not able to get enough sailing in locally. The good thing about tbis is that no one needs close their doors to sail away.

I have bought a Vagabond which I sail with my son (who is 4). I have commitments to the Dinghy series but should be able to shake out an appearance or two at other clubs.

Our first race for the summer series is this Saturday. I will print out your calendar and take it with me, and at the presentation raise the issue. With luck I will be back to you boys next week with some commitments regarding sailing at Humpybong.

Also worthy of note is the Marvale "Dash for Cash" being held at SYC later this year. It is a two day event with a race offshore mooted for the OTB multis. The event is worth mention because the sponsors are putting up $7,000.00 cash prizes. Last year $1,000.00 in $100.00 prizes was given away in a sail number draw at the end of the presentation.

Watch this space.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Chaps..The three day regatta of which we speak was over the Australia day weekend.. and SYC was represented by Allante and myself, Zulu in the 16sq. now we've set the record straight.. Lets share the love that is SYC, and play nicely together.



PS.. Bucko I wouldnt go around telling too many people about the Vagabond thingy.

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