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nacra 5.8 pointing ability old verses new

Norm larden

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Generally on a cat;

- move forward when going upwind. If there's gurgling at the transom you're too far back

- set the traveller out 15-20cm (varies on different types boats), & go further out with increasing winds)

- as you accelerate, sheet the main in harder & harder, until the sail is quite flat

Try and keep the hull flying. When a gust hits, either;

- keep the sail in and round up to windwards, then bear off again as the peak gust subsides. This gains ground to windward without losing too much speed. You should a great drive out of the gust as the hull comes down and you bear off.

- if it's a sustained blast then easy the main to let the sail twist, ease the traveller (if possible) and go for speed

Something else to check is the rudder alignment; they should be parallel when both pointing straight ahead. If not you might need to bend / straighten a rudder arm.

Maybe also check the centreboards have a decent shape and finish; parabolic leading edge, sharp trailing edge, glossy.

Tweak the mast rake, so there's just a little weather helm (pull on the tiller extension) when going upwind. This gets the rudders contributing to windward lift.

Good luck with it!

[This message has been edited by tonyquoll (edited 12 February 2010).]

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Thank you some great tips that i was not aware of. But what about the riggind ect. my crew and skipper weight is 180kgs. i run the stay wire tension at 17 on a loose gage.The diamond wire very firm 20 + on a loose gage. Mast rake is set to rear of port hole. Battons just taking the crease out of the sails. Never sure which is the best position for the jib with regard to the hole position forward or aft?

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Pointing isn't the be all and end all of getting around the course fast. We have a brand new boat and probably point 5-10 degrees lower than everyone else. In heavy air we can be 20-30 degrees lower.

I'd suggest you play around with your mast rake. For your crew weight you want to be around the front of the rear tank cap.

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