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Single Hander options

Rob 98

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Hi, same old story- I'm having trouble crewing my Nacra 5.8 (#651) and have resorted to single handling it in anything up to about 12kts (I have only sailed it sloop rigged to date). This leaves me on the shore a lot of the time so am considering my options for a single hander.

It would need to:

1) Still be able to have double trapeze installed so my wife can feel included "when she feels like it'.

2) Be able to be single handed up to about 18kts

3) Cost about what I could get for the 5.8

I would prefer it to be an 'A' Fleet boat (I have done a small amount of racing last year out of Mannering Park and would like to continue in that class) however understand that an A class will be out of my price range.

The only boat I can find that may suit is an old 18sq however am concerned that what I would get is really no different than my 5.8 if I was to sail it cat rigged. Is this the case? Am I best to continue with the 5.8 cat rigged beyond the 12kts? Or are there other options for a fast (sub VYC 80), bouyant single hander for a 100kg+ sailor for about 2-3k?


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Single hander

I feel your pain . At present I sail and attempt to race a 4.5 NACRA. and are faced with the same dilemma. Unfortunately the pickings in the NACRA fleet at present are scarce. You can spring for a NACRA f17 which would be perfect for a Cat/Sloop combination however there are little or nil being raced at a State or National level. They are also very scarce so unless you go for a new one you may wait a while to find a decent second hand one . A 16 sq is a great boat and carries up to 100 kgs with ease however because of the deck sweeping sail carrying a passenger becomes quite difficult. I know i will get shot for this comment but there is a perfect boat to suit your needs which is a Taipan 4.9. This boat class is growing very quickly due to its versatility and high performance and is able to sustain large fleets of both cat and sloop rig . As it is a one design and been around for quite a while there are many good condition boats to be had on the second hand market which can be brought up to date and raced very competitively. Additionally it can be updated more economically as you can source spare parts and sails from a number of outlets at a competitive price and remain class legal. I strongly believe that there is a niche in the market which needs to be filled with this kind of craft and if I was in the boat business one which i would investigate thoroughly. I however do appreciate the economic constraints involved in design and tooling costs hence I concentrate on a non marine industry! Disclaimer. Any advise contained in this column is classified as general in nature .For more specific advise I suggest contacting the relevant professional.

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Single hander

I feel your pain . At present I sail and attempt to race a 4.5 NACRA. and are faced with the same dilemma. Unfortunately the pickings in the NACRA fleet at present are scarce. You can spring for a NACRA f17 which would be perfect for a Cat/Sloop combination however there are little or nil being raced at a State or National level. They are also very scarce so unless you go for a new one you may wait a while to find a decent second hand one . A 16 sq is a great boat and carries up to 100 kgs with ease however because of the deck sweeping sail carrying a passenger becomes quite difficult. I know i will get shot for this comment but there is a perfect boat to suit your needs which is a Taipan 4.9. This boat class is growing very quickly due to its versatility and high performance and is able to sustain large fleets of both cat and sloop rig . As it is a one design and been around for quite a while there are many good condition boats to be had on the second hand market which can be brought up to date and raced very competitively. Additionally it can be updated more economically as you can source spare parts and sails from a number of outlets at a competitive price and remain class legal. I strongly believe that there is a niche in the market which needs to be filled with this kind of craft and if I was in the boat business one which i would investigate thoroughly. I however do appreciate the economic constraints involved in design and tooling costs hence I concentrate on a non marine industry! Disclaimer. Any advise contained in this column is classified as general in nature .For more specific advise I suggest contacting the relevant professional.

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Thanks Richard,

Great info on the 16sq, I hadn't considered the deck sweeping main as an issue so that may impact a lot of my choices. I would certainly be keen on a T4.9 however think that they may fall outside my price range (I will keep looking though). For this reason I was hoping that somnbody could provide some details on the Nacra 18sq as these appear to be a very old boat, just like my 5.8, that should (?) be in a simmilar price bracket.

I currently keep my cat rigged on the beach so trailering is not a problem and I am really only interested in club racing at this stage.

Thanks again.

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You could go the Nacra 5.0. It is designed as a single hander cat rigged and a twin trap with the jib on. I sailed one for a season years back and it was very quick one up and easy to sail and if I had a crew, two up with both traps running and both on the wire over 12 knots easily.

They are easy to rig yourself as well as manouver around and they also can be righted solo. I would sail alone in any conditions cat rigged and loved it.

The 4.5 is a good single hander and double as well but only one trap also the same as the Mozzie and Hydra.

Mozzies are great one up but two up they are only one on the wire. A hobie 16 is ok one up but become a handful once there is the odd whitecap.

I would go the 5.0 myself but that is because I have been there and done that. Great boat and a few to be found as well.


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Thanks very much to all, I guess I have the answer as I really do like the old girl I have so I think I will just focus on depowering it as much as possible and see how things go. I will give the righting pole a go as I can right it myself but need to stand out on the end of the board and hang off my harness onto a righting rope, I have only ever done this in quite flat conditions and think that I will struggle when it's rough.

Thanks again to all as this has been very helpfull.- Rob

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