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Windrush reintroduced to Sydney

Prince Planet

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Hi all,

just a kwik 'heads up' - Lift King is now an active agent for Windrush in Sydney.

I'm a 'veteran' Windrush 14 sailor - still have my 'original' Windy from the 80's - and it' still going strong...

It's available for demo - and if anyone would like to see an example of a new Windrush 14 - I just took delivery... NICE... :)

Windrush hasn't been represented locally for years - and I felt that it was about time an enthusiast took an active role in promoting the class - and in re-energising the entry-level 14 footer scene in Sydney...

IMHO the W14 is still the best and simplest all-round recreational / racing 14 foot cat around - and it's now built to correct weight with a smoking loose-foot mylar rig - so anyone interested in getting into cat sailing the fast, simple way - well - Windrush is back!!!!


Come and see the new W14 at the Lift King Australia showroom - or download the info sheet from our website...

Cheers, Rohan

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Great news!

This is great news for Windy sailors Rohan. Port Kembla on Lake Illawarra and Mannering Park on Lake Macquarie still have four or five Windrush 14's sailing regularly. As Michael said, it would be good to see you at the Koonawarra Bay 14' regatta in February. I can be contacted at pksc.publicity@gmail.com. If you are looking for some action shots of Windy 14's visit the gallery of pksc.com.au

Tony Sanderson (Groove Thing S/N 6346)

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Hey Tony,

nice to hear from you... any relation the the great Gary Sanderson? He pretty much kick-started Windrush here in Sydney... then onto Prindles etc... I think last time I heard he was big into golf...

He and Peter Watts really tore up the scene way back when... :p

Hey Gary - Peter - can you here me? Get yourselves back onto a Windy!!!


Anyway Tony, I'm pretty much going to try to attend as many regattas as I can - so the Koonawarra Bay Regatta is definitely a goer... then the Botany Bay Classic and Cock Of The Bay - could some of you guys attend this one?

I had Micheal round here today, helping me get the rudders on the boat - they're black - so definitely the fastest rudder system on the water - but that won't make up for my lack of condition and up-to the minute knowledge of what makes a new Windy really 'go' - well, it's been a while...

My focus will be to try to introduce as many 'newbies' to the Windrush here in Sydney as I can - and hopefully to try to get a few more on the water here in Sydney...

Windrush Yachts and Lift King will be sponsoring the Kurnell Catamaran Club Juniors shortly - so we hope to get the W14 recognised as the 'step-up' boat for them... presently they're sailing BIC monohulls - so there's definitely an opportunity to market and suggest a nice 'stepping-stone' cat to these girls and guys who don't really have an 'intermediate' craft to step into...

The Nacra 14sq / Taipan / Viper etc are all too 'techy' and expensive – and having centreboards – are too 'serious', and thus lack the 'fun' aspect that a Windy provides... so call me a crazy optimist - but I feel that a new W14 is still a good boat for competitive club racing and 'mucking about'...

OK - enuff schpiel - I hope to be out on the water soon - look for the Windy with the 'sexy' black rudders...

Michael says they need polishing...!!!

Oh yeh, don't forget to check out the Lift King website - particularly this page:- http://www.liftkingaustralia.com.au/windrushcatamarans.html

Lift King Auto Hoists & Windrush - 'Raising Your Expectations...'


Rohan Steele


Lift King Australia

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Hey Mike,

thx4 your help the other day - much appreciated...

OK, I need to go get some fibreglas polish - right? Or will ordinary Turtle Wax do?

I like the idea of getting the sail further up the mast - maybe one day next week you can help me do that - and rig up that system where the jib sheet comes out when you get on trapeze? Not that I'll immediately be trapping – I want to get a handle on the new boat step by step... so sailing cat rigged the first few times will be the go... nevertheless I can still get it rigged for Super Sloop - ready to go if I decide to get prematurely adventurous...

Maybe I'll bite the bullet and get that twin downhaul system that leads to the sidestays too...

Anyway, I'll be heading to the shipchandlers tomorrow - getting some stuff - let me know which day next week you could pop ovah to Lift King...

Hey, if you wanna have a day off next wek, I could even get BOTH boats down to Clontarf for a blast - as I now have the double trailer finished...



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I use a fine cut automotive polish. To me it does the same stuff, you just have to remember to wipe it down with dishwashing liquid to remove the wax... Wax 'grips' the water which slows the boat...

The dodgy homebrand car buffer at supercheap does the trick and saves you ALOT of time and muscle.

I'd dearly love a day off to go sailing but alas I'm filling in, in manufacturing at the moment and I've already over extended the boundaries by taking 2days to go to Geelong sailing Wasabi from the 21-25th Jan.

With the halyard I think all you do is trim some out of the back of the casting and then move the halyard lock saddle further down the front of the mast so no need for a replacement halyard.

I am sailing at Mannering Park this saturday (teaching some friends to sail before they hire a Seawind 1000 at the end of the month... god help that boat because they won't be upto speed by the end of Jan...) so i'll grab a few measurements from my boat then. If no-one lends me a boat for the Paper Tiger states i'll see if i can organise Dad to bring down our boats on the weekend of the 29-30th Jan and go out to Kurnell. He can leave them at my place ready for the Windrush states 2 weeks later.

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Hi Michael,

thanks again for the advice - itz all good!

I think I'll add some wire to the halyard - coz if I relocate / redrill the lock - it means plugging holes and possible leaks... I may need your assistance to do some of this stuff - so let me know when you're free to pop over after work - I should have the downhaul system later in the week...

BTW – Y not come down to Kurnell for the Australia Day Regatta on the 26th? I C there's nothing planned at Mann. Park...


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That is always a possibility.

I may just be flying home from Geelong on the 26th though. No flights booked yet and waiting on crew email telling me when everyone else is planning on flying home. So all in a bit of limbo atm. O & I need a boat! (that is in sydney and can be delivered to the club for me...)

Busy this week but lets aim for Tuesday next week? (I can have measurements by then)

In other good news, just found out that all my extended family are still above water in QLD! Hope everyone else & their families are still on solid non-floating ground in QLD.

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Hi Mike,

well let me know if you can make it to Kurnell on the 26th - you could always hop on my old boat - if it BLOWS, she's still very compoetitive... but going on the weather lately, it will probably be overcast, inconsistent and frustrtating - but nothing beats an 'ordinary' day on the water on a 'new' W14 - at least that's what I'm lead to believe... :)

Picked up some fine cut auto polish and some polishing pads at Supercheap today - didn't spring for the mechanica/orbitall polisher - as its all beginning to mount up... so I'll attack the rudders when I have a moment - do I need to do the hulls too? Hope not... :p

Yeh, my brother lives just south of Brissy - he says he's on high ground... he'd better be - pretty tragic seeing what others are going through...

Back 2U...


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Well personally, the way I go about finding the 'fastest' dishwashing liquid is...

1) I drive to coles (its faster than walking to 3 blocks up the road)

2) Get out of the car and walk into coles (mainly because i think they might get upset if i tried some gymkhana in my 'rally bred' Suzuki Swift 1.5L gutless buzz box (maybe I should get the $170,000 Junior WRC version, it'd be good for that sort of stuff in coles))

3)Walk 97% of the way through the store to find the 'chemicals that will one day kills us all' isle, which just so happens to have all the pet food (are coles trying to kill all our animals as well?)

4)Spend 10mins reading each dishwashing liquid type looking for any that say 'gets rid of grime fast!' (because if it gets rid of grime, it's surely going to have a performance advantage...)

5)Then once I've found the one that says 'gets rid of grime fast!', I put it back on the shelf and find the cheapest non-homebrand one and grab it

6)Take it to the checkouts and proceed to do a 'lap' to find the hottest checkout 'chick'

7)Once I've found the right checkout chick, I proceed to pay for the dishwashing liquid while chatting her up and if I get a phone number I know she is just giving me a fake one to shut me up

8)On my way out of coles, I squirt some ahead of me on the floor and use it to slip'n'slide like an 8yr old kid (just to check out it's fastness...)

9)If not fast enough, I stand at the returns counter (usually where they sell fags...) and demand a refund.

10)If it was fast enough I get back in my car and drive home

11)Proceed to wipe the boat down with the dishwashing liquid

12)If I don't win a Nationals courtesy of the fastness of the dishwashing liquid, I sue Coles because they sold me a defective product and claim that it has scarred me mentally for the rest of my life, while demanding they pay me $2mil for my 'losses'... (all in a bid to 'buy' a national title someday...)

200% sure fire, bullet proof plan there. Works every time i need to get some dishwashing liquid for the boat...

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Insane... but FUNNY!!!

But now you've got me worried - which dishwashing liquid should I buy? I think boat speed all hinges on this decision - forget about trapezing technique or downhill angles... even sailing the wrong side of the course... coz if you're not 'slippery' enuff - 4get it!!!

Maybe I should try 'Windex' instead - seeing as it's obviously formulated to make 'Windys' go faaaassstah...



Mostly, the checkout chicks are better at Woollies...

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Did I mention my other go fast trick yet?

I believe its call the '1 week miracle weight loss diet, as proven by many many people paid to say this on tv'.

Basically like a 'fad' diets, you cram your body with a bunch of powders that absorb water and make u feel full.

Once your body realises it hasn't had a decent meal in a few days, it starts to umm how to say it 'get rid' of the excess water. After 'only' a few days of 'excuss me, i just have to step out for a minute' and having no real food or water left in your system, POW! and the kg's are GONE!

Its a true story it happens the week before every nationals. I once lost 20kg's in a week!, i may have been annorexic, malnurished, unable to concentrate & starving but I was 20kg's lighter!!!

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Ok thats the last of my slightly insane ramblings for awhile...

I do strongly NOT advise to follow the steps set out in either of my last 2 posts here...

I also have a destinct hatred for 'fad' diets and what they do to your system. If you wish to 'detox' there are ways and means of doing it with vegetables that provide your body with non synthetic products.

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Hey Michael,

I tend to walk to the beat of my own drum anyway - but thanx 4 the 'advice'...


OK, when you do have some time up your sleeve, I think I'd like a hand to do the mods we talked about - the halyard lock/masthead mod - and the downhaul system etc...

I also wouild LUV a hand to overhaul the rudder system on my old boat - I wanna leave it at Kurnell - as their 'demo' boat – to try to rebuild interest in the class – so I think it's a good idea to have it 'operating' without a hitch...

Any assistance on these things would be great...


At over 90kgs - I think I'll be waiting for the wind to really blow b4 I'm at the front of the pack - or at last near it...

And I LUV my Maccas too much... oh I forgot – like da checkout chicks at Woolies - the burgers are bettah at Hungry Jacks... and I think I'll be sailing cat-rigged until I get a handle on the trapping - I need some 'muck around time' on the Super Sloop config b4 I go racing dat way...

Let me know when you can pop round to Lift King...



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Windrush Spares


sure - just let me know what you need - I'll see if they have it in stock...

My main thrust tho' will be to try to get the class numbers up again - by introducing the W14 to a new audience... and to a few 'old salts' who may have some 'outdated' ideas about the boat...


Lift King Australia

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I have the springs and tiller joints in stock - and the wires if you need them. Tiller tubes and rivets will have to be ordered. Thing is, Windrush aren't fully 'back on board' yet... but should be shortly...

We're located in Croydon - just off Parramatta Road - inbetween Ashfield and Burwood. Go to the Lift King website for a location map…



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That's perrrrrfect because I only live in Five Dock! My wires are fine and I can hold out for tubes and rivets but I'll probably need new side stays shortly also considering one of the "threads" has snapped out and the protective sheath has worn through.

I'll need to get the rivets pressed on to my casting too? Any idea? It's only the port assembly anyway.

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Hi 'neighbour'...

OK, we're by appointment tll the 18th - but do call b4 so I can make sure I don't miss you...

Windrush are back on Monday - so we can order the other items as needed...

You'll definitely need a specialised tool to press the rivets... I'll speak to Windrush about that...



A name would be nice...


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