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Windies at Batemans Bay 9-10 April


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Hi guys,

I'm seriously thinking about attending.. maybe go down on the Thursday and do some marketing for Lift King - and be ready and fresh for the regatta...

OK Michael, you're welcome to use 2BLU (my old boat) - just bring your own sails etc... or I'm happy to take your boat down instead - BUT you'll have2 bring it to Lift King somehow...

BTW, I've updated the Windrush page with 45 pix in a slideshow presentation - lots from Mannering Park etc... I'm sure you'll see 1 or 2 of yourselves there,,, :)

Check it out...



The guys who sail at Fitzroy Fals - and all the 'southern' sailors - Port Kembla etc... why aren't they showing any interest?


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Hey guys,

speaking to others about Batemans Bay - it appears that only myself and Antony are seriously thinking of attending - on that basis - and as Antony's boat won't be ready in time anyway... then methinks itz not worth it...

The Port Kembla crew aren't gonna be there apparently - so if one or 2 Windys turn up - it looks bad for the class as a whole...

The next thing that we could attend as a group, would be the Kurnell Catamaran Club President's Cup/Captain Cook Trophy on May 1st - so let's see if we can get a few boats there for that?

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Hi Michael,

The Port Kembla guys have expressed interest in coming up2 Kurnell - so for them to go to Bayview instread will probably be a stretch too far...

If you and Warren could come to Kurnell, we will probably get a larger turn-out - and of course, will help me to get the Windrush established as their Junior stepping-stone boat...

I'm hoping that we can all pull in the same direction when it comes to events like this - for the good of the class...

I don't believe BYRA has expressed any interest in the W14? Let me know...

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I had already planned to go to BYRA's marathon. We are only going based on the weather as well.

Have you asked BYRA if they are interested in Windrush 14?

As for your comment about 1 or 2 windrush turning up for a regatta being bad. I think it is the opposite. I think 1 or 2 windrush turning up to regattas normally not attended by windrush is a good thing.

If no one went then no one would have cause to believe that people still race windrush. If someone of a few go then atleast people still see there are good boats that race regularly still around.

What happened to the try sailing day at Kurnell?

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Hey Mike,

I'm not up to speed yet on my boat - and if Antony and I turn up and we place rather badly, then it's really not a good thing...

If some of the faster PKSC club guys were gonna be there – then I absolutely would attend - but Tony says that none of them are gonna be there...

They did express an interest in attending a 'last blast' at Kurnell - so in the interest of solidarity, then Kurnell is the better option...

We really do need to have either you or Warren at these events - as you 2 are ALWAYS gonna be at the front of the fleet – regardless of how anybody else does... right?


Anyway, let me speak to Tony again and get a commitment from some of the PK guys...

Please appreciate, that even though I do wanna get the KCC juniors on a W14, it's not just for me, it's really for the good of the class... and the're already aware of the initiative... so your attendance is very valuable...

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Hmm - me thinks some wires are crossed!

Hi R & M

The regatta the PK guys were showing a little interest in was the Darren Lowder Memorial Trophy on Sunday 17th April - Briefing at 10am. Note the 11am start. 3 race program followed by BBQ. see KCC calendar.

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17th sounds like fun for you all. I'm headed north to Port Stephens for Sail Port Stephens onboard WASABI that weekend.

Following weekend is Tasar States at Speers Point (amanda my partner will be sailing across the bay at Teralba for the NS14 states so i figured i'd con my mates wife into taking her Tasar up).

May 1st at BYRA and thats about me done for cat/dinghy sailing this season.

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