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Getting into Racing

Kurt P

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Have had my Nacra 4.5 for a couple of years now and are now keen to start racing and have a few questions.

I am located near Manly in Brisbane and looking to start in the Spring.

- Where do the catamarans sail from in Brisbane, I have read there are some over in Cleveland.

- Would it be best to crew with someone else to learn the ropes or dive straight in with the 4.5.

- I have 2 boys aged 9 & 11, can they be on the boat with me as well?

Happy to sail one-up as my goal is to have competitive fun.

Look forward to any advice.



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Mate, jump straight in, most clubs will go out of their way to encourage you and your boys, sailing with the boys will slow the 4.5 considerably so you will be at the back of the fleet and racing on personal handicap not yardstick. Try to find a club with a fleet of 14s, you may be able to keep some of them close enough to stay interested, anything bigger will be out of sight by the end of the first work. Good luck and don't frighten the boys off the sport by forcing them, if it's a good day and they want to sail, Great, but let them decide.

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4.5 fleet SEQ Nacra Traveller Series


If you want to experience some good class racing with other 4.5 and get around to have a look at a few different clubs join the nacra traveller series next season. This season we had 5 x 4.5 sailing regularly. The 4.5 gang are a great bunch of very social sailors who would more than welcome a new boat into the fleet. I am sure they will give you and your boys heaps of tips on how to get the best out of your boat.


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Thanks guys

Will have a look at Cleveland when they start racing again, anyone know when this is.

Traveller series sounds intersting, will look into it as well.

What about getting onto someone elses boat for a little while, do the guys look for crew on the bigger boats?



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