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I will be there at the front of the fleet. I have been reading up on how to sail a 16sq. I have gained much knowlage since the last nats and I am expecting to be in the top 3. The trap is a lot easier on a high sided cat. Lots of pain killers for the knees and away we go. Yes I do shoot my mouth of at times but I can take it back and I am usually up there to back my mouth up anyway.

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If anyone want's to check out the rest of this losers rant go and have a look in the Maricat forum, plenty of reasons there for his lack of form, must be soul destroying to think you are going to make the top 3 then get so convincingly flogged.

As for next years Nationals if this guys ego gets any bigger he wont even need a boat to get around the course he can float around on all the hot air he produces.

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It would be a pretty boring old world if there were not the odd bloke like Mick about. He has got a target on his back and he put it there himself, and those of us that sail Mari's usually only get to see his back. On the odd occasion that Mick gets done, he is the first with praise for the winner. Good on Ya Mick keep sticking it up em.

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