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Barging Rule


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Quite agree with you when we are sailing against foam sandwich lightweights. Unfortunately for the Maricats some of these at our club have been replaced by Nacra 5.8s. I fear that barging may again become an issue!!

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no proper course before the start?

windward boat to keep clear of a leward oat.

(luffing rights? mastabeam etc?)

Leward boat has the right to sail above a close hauled course(luff) as no proper course before the start?

Dollars and common sense prevail!!!!!!

any one clarify/correct please.

cheers d

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So its illegal to come screaming down on a reach,then as you approach the starting flag pull in your traveller to a close hauled position,squeezing between the fleet,which is usually a fleet of lightweight A-Class,Cobra or much biggr and faster Nacras which by 5-10 seconds before the gun are closed hauled and have already set a course to the winward mark.When they start screaming out "barging" at this stage is the process that I have described illegal.


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Yes it's illegal to barge in between the start boat and a close hauled boat approaching the start boat/start line if there's insufficient room to do so and a collision is eminent. The close hauled boat can 'come up' above a 'proper', close hauled course to push offending boat to the wrong side of the start boat and the offending boat must give way.

If the close hauled boat has to change course to avoid the barging boat the latter must do a penalty turn if called to do so by the close hauled boat which must fly a protest flag within a reasonable time after the incident.

If there's a collision both boats are at fault and must do a penalty turn, as I understand it.


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i did not no that if there was a collision that both boats did a penalty. as far i was aware if you push a boat up on the line and you hit them they do a penalty. and by the way the mast to beam rule went out years ago it's now clear ahead.and to warrier i don't know where it is in the rule book, i don't have one!


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Time to spend $25 and buy a rule book or spend a bit more and buy a rule book with tactics and examples in it. The rules that are in question are in part 2 of the rule book, "when boats meet".

Rule 11, on the same tack,overlapped. A windward boat shall keep clear of a leeward boat.

Rule 12, on the same tack and not overlapped. a boat clear astern shall keep clear of a boat clear ahead.

Rule 18 applies at marks and obstructions.

Room is required to be given to an inside boat at marks and obstructions. Rule 18.1,(a)states that room is notrequired to be given at a starting mark surrounded by navigable water or its anchor line from the time the boats are approaching them to start until they have passed them.

Rule 14 avoiding contact. Everyone has an obligation to avoid contact. (a) A right away boat need not act to avoid contact until it is clear that the other boat is not keeping clear or giving room, and (b) shall not be penalized under this rule unless there is contact that causes damage.

Everyone sailing should have some understanding of the rules applicable to that part of the course. If you don't you can expect to get bluffed by some one who thinks they are a bit smarter or you could end up causing quite a bit of damage. If you barge expect to be doing a few loops.{contact does not have to be made for a penalty to be required. If you hit someone expect to open your wallet for damage and to buy them a beer or rum on the beach as well as doing your turn. It is great to see the popularity of the shorter boats increasing. They are a very economic way to start and have a lot of fun.

It is important for everyone

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There really isnt an excuse not to have the rule book as its entirely free download ( http://www.sailing.org/menu.asp?MenuID=o0/gGXks5BsOe9?7vTvOOQY12`?czLHXRP~An8OJOWYjIvIZQo1NtPW )

As one of the offending nacra sailors smile.gif its not unusaul for a boat to be calling me up, so in turn i have to call the boat above me.

The obvious problem is the nacra points very well when you want it too, much higher the average maricat, i know the mari boys would like the winward position but dont have the performance to back it up.

This season there will be a barging mark set on our startline for mr Warrier to run into, instead of the tin dish.

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