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14' Traveller series for 2011-2012


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  • 1 month later...

So, where are we with the 14' cat traveller series? Toukley S C have an open cat regatta on the calendar for 31 Mar 01 Apr that was to be part of the 14' traveller series. Is there any interest in this W/end regatta? Toukley is struggling along and may not be viable much longer unless it gets some support other than the Brass Monkey.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Results so far

The results so far listed below, for 48 entrants. Apologies in advance for errors this may contain:

Rank, Skipper, Boat No., Class, Boat Name, mannering, points, ACT, points, Kembla, points, Koonawarra, points, TOTAL

1, Mick Colecliffe, 5598, Maricat S/S, Humungus II, 8, 8, 1, 25, 5, 11, DNS, 0, 44

2, Ralph Skea, 3065, Paper Tiger, Solitaire, 18, 0, 5, 11, 11, 5, 1, 25, 41

3, Greg Williams, 3086, Paper Tiger, Shadow Boxing, 2, 20, 2, 20, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 40

4, Rohan Nicol, 2826, Paper Tiger, Pussyfoot, 1, 25, 4, 13, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 38

5, Michael Pfeffer, 6335, Windrush, Rush, 20, 0, DNS, 0, 3, 16, 3, 16, 32

6, Neil Waterman, 3018, Paper Tiger, People Eater, 18, 0, 10, 6, 2, 20, DNS, 0, 26

7, Peter Breaden, 5680, Maricat, Black Pearl, 7, 9, 3, 16, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 25

7, Warren Pfeffer, 6327, Windrush, Hot Pepper, 10, 6, DNS, 0, 10, 6, 4, 13, 25

7, J Reid, 3701, Mari 4.3 Cat Foam, havoc, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 1, 25, DNS, 0, 25

10, Tony Hastings, 2901, PaperTiger, Tigerdelic, DNS, 0, 6, 10, 4, 13, DNS, 0, 23

11, Bruce Proctor, 1437, Paper Tiger, Bean, 24, 0, DNS, 0, 6, 10, 5, 11, 21

12, Rodney Anderson, 5600, Maricat, Pointed Reply, 14, 2, 7, 9, 7, 9, DNS, 0, 20

12, Jon Pinkerton, , Paper Tiger, Johnny B Goode, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 2, 20, 20

14, Stephen Halliday, 3021, Paper Tiger, Dipsi Danis, 9, 7, 11, 5, 9, 7, DNS, 0, 19

15, Ian Marcovitch, 3039, Paper Tiger, Mojo, 3, 16, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 16

16, Tony Sanderson, 6346, Windrush14SuperSloop, Groove Thing, DNS, 0, 15, 1, 13, 3, 6, 10, 14

17, Warren Guinea, 456, NACRA 430, Pandy Bear Express, 4, 13, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 13

17, Robert Simpson, 4001, Maricat S/S, Wild Tiger, 4, 13, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 13

19, Frank O'Rourke, 1710, Arrow, Return, 6, 10, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 10

20, Rohan Pura, , Windrush S/S, Dubblupp, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 7, 9, 9

21, Tony Zahra, 526, Mari 4.3 Sloop Foam, Whitewave, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 8, 8, DNS, 0, 8

22, Phil Johnston, 5005, Maricat S/S, Bulldozer, 26, 0, 9, 7, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 7

23, Darcy Wilson, 392, Maricat, Cheetah, 11, 5, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 5

24, Gary Powell, 1, Arrow, Angry Ant, 12, 4, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 4

24, K Markovitch, 3060, PaperTiger, Irakandji, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 12, 4, DNS, 0, 4

25, Brenton Curran, 5599, Maricat, Salty Lips, 21, 0, 13, 3, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 3

25, Ryan Dudman, 3536, Maricat, Sea Frog V, 13, 3, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 3

26, Max Dogger, 3038, PaperTiger, The Mystery Tiger, DNS, 0, 24, 0, 14, 2, DNS, 0, 2

27, Jeremy Arnold, 500, Maricat, Ins & Outs, 15, 1, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 1

27, Richard Hastings, 15, Nacra14Sq, Toccata in Sea, DNS, 0, 19, 0, 15, 1, DNS, 0, 1

28, Adrian Heap, 8, Maricat S/S, Dakota, 16, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 0

28, Chris Stevens, 434, NACRA 430, I Dream, 29, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 0

28, A Johnson, 121, Gemini, Stuggale, DNS, 0, 25, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 0

28, Jim Bennett, 432, NACRA 430, Cadence, 16, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 0

28, Ian Lamb, 437, NACRA 430, Thriller, 27, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 0

28, Billy Breaden, 599, Maricat, Bandit, 32, 0, 26, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 0

28, Kimberly Russell, 646, Paper Tiger, Blew By U, 31, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 0

28, Nick Powell, 1689, Arrow, Bronco, 28, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 0

28, Rob Fowler, 3016, Maricat S/S, Riled Up, 22, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 0

28, Geoff White, 3901, Maricat4.3Cat, Patches, DNS, 0, 16, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 0

28, Nick Ward, 4100, Maricat4.3SuperSloop, Helter Skelter, DNS, 0, 22, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 0

28, Rob Rimington, 5277, Maricat, Kracker, 23, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 0

28, Michael Leydon, 5603, Maricat4.3SuperSloop, Keeping It Up, DNS, 0, 18, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 0

28, Stan Dixon, 6209, Windrush, ., 30, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 0

28, Ross Fyfe, 6264, Windrush14SuperSloop, Yabby, DNS, 0, 12, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 0

28, Paul Leaudais, 6296, Windrush14SuperSloop, Silver Fox, DNS, 0, 20, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 0

28, Graham Stevens, 6314, Windrush, White, 25, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 0

28, Jeremy Roberts, 45695, Hobie14, Daisy, DNS, 0, 27, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 0

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  • 2 months later...

The final round of the 14' Cat Traveller Series is the BYRA Marathon, Sunday 6th May: http://www.byra.org.au/events/peter_loft.php

In the series, the four best scores of each entrant shall count to their series result. This makes this final race the big decider.

By re-calculating the results of every race in the series, to produce new results for each regatta nased only on the entrants listed below, the results look like this:

A Division

Rank, Skipper, Boat No., Class, Boat Name, Division, mannering, points, ACT, points, Kembla, points, Koonawarra, points, Wallagoot, points, BYRA, points, TOTAL

1, Mick Colecliffe, 5598, Maricat S/S, Humungus II, A, 4, 13, 1, 25, 1, 25, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, , , 63

2, Ralph Skea, 3065, Paper Tiger, Solitaire, A, 11, 5, 2, 20, 7, 9, 1, 25, DNS, 0, , , 59

3, Rodney Anderson, 5600, Maricat, Pointed Reply, A, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, DNS, 0, 2, 20, , , 50

4, Tony Hastings, 2901, PaperTiger, Tigerdelic, A, DNS, 0, 5, 11, 4, 13, DNS, 0, 1, 25, , , 49

5, Michael Pfeffer, 6335, Windrush, Rush, A, 8, 8, DNS, 0, 3, 16, 2, 20, DNS, 0, , , 44

6, Greg Williams, 3086, Paper Tiger, Shadow Boxing, A, 1, 25, 3, 16, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, , , 41

7, Neil Waterman, 3018, Paper Tiger, People Eater, A, 9, 7, 8, 8, 1, 25, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, , , 40

8, Rohan Nicol, 2826, Paper Tiger, Pussyfoot, A, 1, 25, 4, 13, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, , , 38

9, Warren Pfeffer, 6327, Windrush, Hot Pepper, A, 6, 10, DNS, 0, 7, 9, 3, 16, DNS, 0, , , 35

10, Stephen Halliday, 3021, Paper Tiger, Dipsi Danis, A, 5, 11, 9, 7, 6, 10, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, , , 28

11, Ian Marcovitch, 3039, Paper Tiger, Mojo, A, 3, 16, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, , , 16

12, Brenton Curran, 5599, Maricat, Salty Lips, A, 10, 6, 7, 9, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, , , 15

13, Adrian Heap, 8, Maricat S/S, Dakota, A, 12, 4, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, , , 4

14, Chris Stevens, 434, NACRA 430, I Dream, A, 13, 3, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, , , 3

B Division

Rank, Skipper, Boat No., Class, Boat Name, Division, mannering, points, ACT, points, Kembla, points, Koonawarra, points, Wallagoot, points, BYRA, points, TOTAL

1, Richard Hastings, 15, Nacra14Sq, Toccata in Sea, B, DNS, 0, 2, 20, 3, 16, DNS, 0, 1, 25, , , 61

2, Tony Sanderson, 6346, Windrush14SuperSloop, Groove Thing, B, DNS, 0, 1, 25, 1, 25, 6, 10, DNS, 0, , , 60

3, Max Dogger, 3038, PaperTiger, The Mystery Tiger, B, DNS, 0, 3, 16, 2, 20, DNS, 0, 2, 20, , , 56

4, Rob Rimington, 5277, Maricat, Kracker, B, 1, 25, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, , , 25

If anyone feels they need to be included in these results, please let me know: tonyquoll@yahoo.com

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Race run, we had sunny weather but not much wind, did'nt go all the way to Lion Island, shortened race off Palm Beach ferry wharf, then back to byra. Mick Coalkliffe 1st, Micheal Pffer 2nd, Adrian Heap 3rd, The Le mans start was great fun, (mick had a bad start, and had problems getting his boat onto the right tack leaving the beach.)


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Thanks Tony, At the least I have some braging rights for 12 months. "MICKS A WINNER". Now everyone hates me even more. My problem with getting off the beach was I had a Bull Dozzer driver hanging on to my Starboard rudder.

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Draft Final results:

A Division:

Rank, Skipper, Boat No., Class, Boat Name, Division, mannering, points, ACT, points, Kembla, points, Koonawarra, points, Wallagoot, points, BYRA, points, TOTAL

1, Mick Colecliffe, 5598, Maricat S/S, Humungus II, A, 4, 13, 1, 25, 1, 25, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 1, 25, 88

2, Michael Pfeffer, 6335, Windrush, Rush, A, 8, 8, DNS, 0, 3, 16, 2, 20, DNS, 0, 3, 16, 60

3, Ralph Skea, 3065, Paper Tiger, Solitaire, A, 11, 5, 2, 20, 7, 9, 1, 25, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 59

4, Rodney Anderson, 5600, Maricat, Pointed Reply, A, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, DNS, 0, 2, 20, DNS, 0, 50

5, Tony Hastings, 2901, PaperTiger, Tigerdelic, A, DNS, 0, 5, 11, 4, 13, DNS, 0, 1, 25, DNS, 0, 49

6, Warren Pfeffer, 6327, Windrush, Hot Pepper, A, 6, 10, DNS, 0, 7, 9, 3, 16, DNS, 0, 4, 13, 48

7, Greg Williams, 3086, Paper Tiger, Shadow Boxing, A, 1, 25, 3, 16, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 41

8, Neil Waterman, 3018, Paper Tiger, People Eater, A, 9, 7, 8, 8, 1, 25, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 40

9, Rohan Nicol, 2826, Paper Tiger, Pussyfoot, A, 1, 25, 4, 13, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 38

10, Stephen Halliday, 3021, Paper Tiger, Dipsi Danis, A, 5, 11, 9, 7, 6, 10, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 28

11, Adrian Heap, 8, Maricat S/S, Dakota, A, 12, 4, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 2, 20, 24

12, Ian Marcovitch, 3039, Paper Tiger, Mojo, A, 3, 16, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 16

13, Brenton Curran, 5599, Maricat, Salty Lips, A, 10, 6, 7, 9, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 15

14, Chris Stevens, 434, NACRA 430, I Dream, A, 13, 3, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 3

B Division:

1, Richard Hastings, 15, Nacra14Sq, Toccata in Sea, B, DNS, 0, 2, 20, 3, 16, DNS, 0, 1, 25, DNS, 0, 61

2, Tony Sanderson, 6346, Windrush14SuperSloop, Groove Thing, B, DNS, 0, 1, 25, 1, 25, 6, 10, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 60

3, Max Dogger, 3038, PaperTiger, The Mystery Tiger, B, DNS, 0, 3, 16, 2, 20, DNS, 0, 2, 20, DNS, 0, 56

4, Rob Rimington, 5277, Maricat, Kracker, B, 1, 25, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, DNS, 0, 25

All hail Humungus Mick, NSW 14' Cat Champion!

Where the Notice of Series at 7 said "prizes will be given"... well the prize is bragging rights based on these results. OK?

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The 14’ Catamaran Traveler Series 2011-2012 included the following regattas:

• 8 & 9 October: Mannering Park Amateur Sailing Club’s 14' Cat Regatta. 32 entrants

• 22 & 23 October, YMCA Sailing Club’s ACT Multihull Championships. 27 entrants

• 27 & 28 November: Port Kembla Sailing Club’s Kembla Klassic. 15 x 14' cats

• 11 & 12 February: Koonawarra Bay Sailing Club’s 14' Cat Regatta. 7 entrants

• 10 & 11 March: Wallagoot Lake Boat Club’s Regatta. 8 x 14' cats.

• 6th May: Bayview Yacht Racing Association’s Peter Loft Marathon. 5 x 14' cats

51 different skippers of 14' cats entered those regattas.

Numbers at other regattas held during the season.

Twofold Bay (Eden) had 2 x PTs. Batemans Bay Anzac had 8 of 14' cats.

Kurnell Cat Club; 5/11/11 Top Gun Regatta: 3 x Nacra14sq. Australia Day Marathon had 4 x Nacra14sq (no other 14' cats)

Not sure of others

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  • 6 months later...

No traveler series this season.

The YNSW "Gemba Report" recommends low-cost, socially focused days where people can experience sailing. They suggest a focus on racing is a barrier to participation. See: http://www.nsw.yachting.org.au/default.asp?Page=58955&MenuID=Clubs/1055/0/

Try Sailing Day was on Nov4th, which offered free joy rides on sailing boats. Creating another opportunity is highly recommended. Sat Jan26th stands out as prime opportunity.

Finding a club and volunteers prepared to host the event is the challenge.

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Hi Tony,

Jan 26th is the Mannering Park event - and I believe the plastic-cat 14's will be participating (Maricat/Windrush Nationals)... altho' personally I can't se how a series that is so NSW-centric can be labelled 'Nationals' - so I doubt that date will be available...

I agree (and I've been saying it for a while) that too much emphasis on racing turns potential converts or new cat sailors off - as it appears too difficult & 'serious'...

When guys get a little bored of blasting around aimlessly, they tend to gravitate to racing anyway...

The thing is – (especially for the plastic-cat boats) – that we need to be building the classes at every opportunity, and put the emphasis on racing second... of course that's just my take on things...

I remember how Hobie was so successful in launching the H14 - there was no mention of racing - just FUN, FUN, FUN... maybe we have to pool the resources of the 3 strong 14ft classes - and do some specifically promotional days - of course I'm talking about easy venues for the bulk of potential sailors/learners to get to - and where there are good facilities for buying food /easy launching - and where we could promote through local papers etc etc - Balmoral/Clontarf anyone?


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