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manering park who's coming


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  • 4 weeks later...

avoiding competition from who? smile.gif

Just copied this across from another forum for those interested. 53 starters, great weekend... looking forward to an even bigger and better event next year !

"With the October Long Weekend Regatta for 14' Cats now over I would like to take this time to thank all the 14' cats that come to Mannering Park and sailed with us.

For the record there was 53 cats that faced the starter with one from Harvey Bay in Qld.

The racing was close which made for a great series, the results of the questionaire that was handed out is that Mannering Park will be holding this regatta again net year on the October Long Weekend.

The race results are as follows


1st John Merl Maricat

2nd Dough Matthews Paper Tiger

3rd Mick Colecliff Maricat


1st Peter Breadon

2nd Zac Breadon

3rd Nigal Short

I hope every one had a great time and will see you again next year

Bill King

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  • 6 months later...

The 14Foot Cat regatta is still planned for October long weekend.

And yes it will be run using the 541 start from the blue book. The Maricat class has also adopted the 5,4,1 starting sequence since the recent State Titles.

The 24 hour Heaven Can Wait event is held by Mannering Park Sailing club at the same time however the events are coordinated not to impact on each other. There are some 300 entries expected in the 24 hour Heaven Can Wait Regatta.

Hope to see all the 14s there again for a great weekend !

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Will speak to the guys from the sailing club this weekend about moving to the following weekend if that is preferred?

Will also need to check with the Koonawarra sailors as we get alot of boats from that area.

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As a member of Koonawarra Bay SC, I think our members would be happy to see it moved away from the long weekend. Accommodation is a real issue on the long weekend Also, it can be more difficult to go away sailing on a long weekend if the family don't go along as well.

Please advise on this site when the date is finalised. The NSW Paper Tiger Catamaran Association has determined that it will again use the Mannering Park 14ft Cat Regatta as a round of its State Pointscore (Traveller's Trophy), so we will need to let our members know in the next couple of months.


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The regatta is planned to go ahead on the long weekend. At the regatta we can discuss moving it to the weekend after for next year if that suits most people and also to not conflict with other regatta's.

Just hard to contact everyone on this for a late change in date.

The Yachts plan to start and finish near to Raffles Resort so there is no so much traffic as last year.

Hope to see everyone there !

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Originally posted by berny:

This might be a dumb question but exactly when is the regatta to be held, October? Will you be putting the NOR up here?

I didn't think it was such a dumb question or that difficult to answer really wink.gif

I guess it's October, like five months away which doesn't seem too close to change the date. surely you have contact details of previous contestants.

I would have thought this topic would be better discussed on the 14ft or the Regatta Forum considering the regatta is open to boats other than Maricats. The feedback might be more comprehensive and more representative of general feeling.

Just my 2c worth.

[This message has been edited by berny (edited 24 May 2006).]

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Yes, the regatta will be held on October Long weekend the same as it was last year.

We had over 50 14' Cats at last years regatta.

It is really jsut for the 14 foot cats but no catamaran would be turned away. There are also larger boats from the club that are likely to want to go for a sail then.

And Yes, A notice of race would be posted on the forum.

Unfortunately I am not in a position to contact all of last years competitors to advise a date change due to work commitments... and no-one else has volunteered to do it. So we are going ahead with October Long Weekend.

cheers !

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I am disappointed to hear that you are open to bigger cats competing. I don't begrudge bigger cats sailing open regattas, but this is supposed to be a 14ft cat regatta. This is a chance for the small cats to compete together without the influence of the big boats. I believe it is these sorts of events that have seen a strong resurgence in 14ft cats in recent years. You only have to look at how popular this event was last year (53 boats) to see that this is exactly what 14ft cat sailors want.

You can be assured that the Koonawarra Bay 14ft Cat Regatta will remain just that, a regatta for 14ft (and smaller) catamarans.

There are plenty of regattas that big cats can compete in. They don't need to be at this event. Don't be lured by a few extra dollars. Keep it pure!!


[This message has been edited by Dave (edited 24 May 2006).]

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I don't mean to be disrespectful in anyway Dave, but having more there will only make all catamaran classes stronger.

You will not get a heap of larger cats there like the F18's, T's and 5.8's as they will all head to the Wildcat Regatta at Forster. On that point, it is a pity that is regatta is on the same weekend as that as if would be great to see a big fleet of 14's again at the Wildcat.

There are however other classes close in size and speed of the 14's in the area that would be great to see on the water like the Mozzies and 16's.

You can't be to closed minded with your regatta's as it can turn people away quickly. What about those that have a maricat for the kids and an H18 for the grownups? they would love something on a long weekend at Mannering Park.

I like sailing there but being a long weekend I find it hard to commit to anything too much as I have a family to consider as well. I may be there I may not, and unfortunately my boat is not 4.3m long. It is 4.5.

Good luck either way as I think any promotion of sailing is great.


[This message has been edited by Emmessee (edited 24 May 2006).]

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Dave, like many other cat sailors, has been racing and organising regattas for cats for many many years and there is a wealth of knowledge and experience there that any organiser would ignore only to his/her detriment.

The most important consideration for the success of a 14ft regatta is that it is staged for 14ft cats only. People should note that there are precious few regattas where 14ft cats can sail with reasonable credibility. 14ft sailors do not go to regattas where bigger boats are racing. There are many legitimate reasons for this. One of the biggest regattas staged in Australia is the WildCat and they don't get any 14ft cats, none! They have tried to entice 14ft cats but those 14ft skippers who are familiar with the processes there understand only too well why they wont participate.

So it's simple really, either take the advice from those with knowledge gained from experience or make the same mistakes which have been made for many many years.

Given that the WildCat is on that w/e, there's not much chance of bigger boats participating but if it's moved to another w/e in the future, and the precedence has been set, then it stands to become just another big boat regatta and the 14's will again be left out in the cold. Up to you.

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I remember there being a line as far as the eye could see of coloured Maricat sails at Forster in the 80's. So there was a time when they attended in large numbers.

There was an H14 on the roof of the toilet block one morning and that was part of a fleet or 20 or more.

I think Bern likes the fact he has the fastest 14 around and will take out line honours in every race smile.gif

I agree to a point, but you will have mixed sailing anyway within the 14 class where you have cat, sloop and supersloop in Maricat's, Windrush's, cat and sloop in H14, Paper tigers and the 430. That is quite a difference in boats.

I am just pleased there is a resurgence in all sailing, mono's and cats alike.


[This message has been edited by Emmessee (edited 25 May 2006).]

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