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14' Traveller series for 2011-2012


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Is this what is meant by the intimidation factor, to quote

"I'm not up to speed yet on my boat - and if Antony and I turn up and we place rather badly, then it's really not a good thing..."

My thoughts are it is better to try and fail than never to try at all.

Most things in life take a focused, sustained co-ordinated effort, Mike and Warren did'nt get to the front of the pack by good luck, it has taken focused sustained co-ordinated effort. The only way to get there is to sail as many events against a variety of sailors in a variety of conditions on a variety of boats. That is something that you get from travelling around and attending regattas. If you only race with the same guys each week, at the same level of competition, you will with reason only become as good as the best sailor there, thats fine if you have a good sailor leading you, but this is often not the case, compounding the problem is if the best sailor does'nt race the same class of boat as you. Regattas at least allow you to pit yourself against a wide variety of sailors of different levels of competency from different clubs.

It was disapointing for us Mari guys to travel to a club that has a known Mari fleet, and not even have one of the locals come down the beach to say "Hi, I sail one of these, can I see what you guys have done to improve your boats" etc, let alone enter the regatta, even if they did'nt compete in the titles.

Dr Peter travelled 9 hours to attend our nationals, he had an old crappy boat, he did'nt sail all that well, but he was able to see how he was going against other Mari sailors, he leant what he needs to do to his boat to improve it and make it easier and more enjoyable to sail, got to see what the new boats are like, he also found out who else in his area was sailing a boat like his, made a few new friends and just had a ball. At no times was he made to feel intimidated, there were other blokes and ladies sailing at the same level as him, who were also competing the nationals. For all of them it was a learning curve, we have all had to live at the back of the fleet at some stage, hell I can still manage to find myself there. I have realised I am really good at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory by a few stupid moves.

The insurance question is going to be a thorn in the side of anyone seeking to establish a 14' travellers series, the only way that I can see this being resolved is to establish a 14' assoc with it own insurance policy, constitution etc, all the 14'classes are a member of it, we all have the same insurance policy, we are still able to run our own titles for the respective classes seperately or combined as the situation dictates. It is something that the Mari Assoc tried to float a few years ago, but we got a "not interested" from the other classes so we dropped it, if a few more of you are interested now chances are it could be resurected.


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Implication above is that the YA silver card provides some sort of third party insurance, don't think this is correct, just PA insurance for the insured only. Probably one of the reasons people don't bother, the "YACHTING" in YA is another put off amongst many others.

The Personal Accident Insurance Policy provides certain benefits when an insured Cardholder (aged 5 to 85 years) is injured as a result of their participation in yachting. This Policy covers Cardholders while sailing, cruising, participating and officiating in races, race training or while on the premises of an affiliated yacht club. The cover includes death and disability compensation, non-Medicare medical expenses and, for income earners, an accident weekly benefit. The policy is arranged by Yachting Australia’s Official Insurance Services Provider OAMPS Insurance Brokers, and is underwritten by Lloyds of London. The policy wording is available on our website www.yachting.org.au
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This is off the YNSW site

Type of membership:

Silver Card Holder

Who pays the fee?:

By Individual via their Club Membership

Fee offering the Yachting Australia Silver

Card benefit

Insurance Type & Scope:

Personal Accident coverage whilst sailing, cruising,

boating and participating in organized racing, or on

the premises of Yachting Australia or an MYA

affiliated Yacht Club

Policy Benefits:

• Provides Capital Benefits up to a max of

$75,000, Accident Weekly Benefits, Non-

Medicare Expenses and Funeral expenses

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we used to sail the Careel 18 on Pittwater and the winter series was always the best (pre El Nina of course), light and variable winds, clear blue sky just magnificent, until of course you venture into the wrong part and watch the windex going round and round in circles as other yachts breeze past just a few metres away.

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Would have loved too, but have a family commitment.

A bit off topic but while all the 14's are in one place. Who is coming to the BYRA Marathon this sunday?

Dad (aka Warren) and I will be there, Ian the 430 from MPASC will be there so who else?

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A bit off topic but while all the 14's are in one place. Who is coming to the BYRA Marathon this sunday?

Dad (aka Warren) and I will be there, Ian the 430 from MPASC will be there so who else?

This will be a toss up, either I do timekeeping at my Daughters swim carnival or go to Bayview, so I'm a maybe. I'l have a better idea after Friday night. Keen to go for a sail on Pittwater, have'nt sailed there since Highschool.

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All 6 regattas originally suggested are 2 day regattas. BYRA could be the 7th as a one day marathon event with traveller series presentation. Brass Monkey regatta not in regular sailing season - regardless of how good the regatta may be. Sounds like there is enough interest amongst the Maricat and Windrush sailors - so need to seek interest from the PT's and others. I'll post a message on their forum. Sando

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Wallagoot Lake Boat Club have used the VYC Yardsticks in the past, including:

F14; 76. Nacra14sq; 84.5. Windrush SS; 87.5. Windrush 14 sloop; 91. Paper Tiger; 91.5. Maricat 4.3 cat; 94.

With the AGM coming up, I intend to propose we adopt the Koonawarra yardsticks for next year. Would this be favoured for the 14' cat traveler series?

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So can we get a consensis of which regattas it will be?

So far suggested are:

1/ Mannering Park 14' regatta 8 & 9 October

2/ Kembla Klassic PKSC 27 & 28 November

3/ Kurnell Cat Club Australia Day to be negotiated with club

4/ 14' Regatta Koonawarra 11 & 12 February

5/ Lake Wallagoot 10 & 11 March

6/ Toukley 14 & 15 April

7/BYRA Peter Loft Marathon 6th May

5 of 7 regattas to count, A&B divisions Koonawarra Bay yardstick.

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Swap BYRA for "Sail Sydney".

According to YA, a Sail Sydney "event is being planned to run from Thursday 15th to Sunday 18th December. This will be open to all off the beach classes and is not restricted to Olympic or youth disciplines. We are actively encouraging participation of all centreboard classes- dinghies, skiffs, boards and catamarans."

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I'll contact YA NSW and see what they have to offer us. I know our Club president recently attended a zone meeting where the new CEO of YA NSW presented, and he was impressed with the plans, but the proof will be in the pudding. Maybe drop Kurnell from series but support the one day event on Australia Day.

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This series would be the best thing that's happened to the 14s in a long while. It will make a combined 14 foot cat class and display it to the other sailors and classes. The best thing we can do to promote the class is to show people show organised we are and how much FUN the class is. If people see a group of 15 boats with everyone talking an enjoying themselves at these regattas it will attract people to the class. Just make it happen. The regattas Tony has proposed are a great starting point, we can always change them, for the following season.

Paul L

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So can we compromise and settle on this:

1/ Mannering Park 14' regatta 8 & 9 October

2/ ACT Multihull on 22 & 23 October

3/ Kembla Klassic PKSC 27 & 28 November

4/ Sail Sydney 17 & 18 December? - I think the cats will be on Botany Bay anyway

5/ 14' Regatta Koonawarra 11 & 12 February

6/ Lake Wallagoot 10 & 11 March

7/ Batemans Bay 21 & 22 April

8/ BYRA Peter Loft Marathon 6th May

Best 6 of 8 (4 to constitute a series) Koonawarra Bay Yardstick.

Rodney, do you think the Wagga Inland sailors and ACT guys will travel to the other regattas?

Have we got too many regattas now, maybe drop two and as Paul L suggests change the composition of regattas each year.

Lets settle this week so I can contact the host clubs and ensure their support.

Then we can extensively promote to NSW Clubs.

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